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Havnen Haldron

Orc druid with a fiery temper that he can't ever keep a lid on. He's got good intentions - mostly "kill the bad guys" - but he often leaps before he looks. His anger also covers up the fact that he's upset with himself for being unable to control it.

Played by
Aurora Frappe

The major events and journals in Havnen's history, from the beginning to today.

Dear Grabull and Vithrev, I hope you’re doing well. I think you might want to sit down for this letter. I was hoping for an easy day off, but it didn’t happen. I’m still not completely sure what happened. I went to drop off the money to Castar that we got from that bastard at the night club. He decided to tell me that that man was a part of a dragonmarked house (Tharashk) that specializes in finding. Since he got my blood, he can track me down. After getting that news I got a call from my friends that one of them (Staff the warforged) had caught fire. I got over there as fast as I could but he was fine. But he talked to the leader of the violent warforged protestors in Sharn and he’s been acting weird since. Me, him, and Phillip went to meet with one of the only warforged speaking out against the violent protests. He tried to get Staff to reconsider, but I think Staff might just be getting more confused. Staff sort of reminds me of a kid right now. He’s an important person and because of that a lot of people are telling him what to do. I think he’s trying to please too many people. But he’s trying to figure out what he wants for himself. Whether that ends up being good or bad still is up for debate. The anger he has reminds me of myself, though he has different reasons for being angry than I do. Phillip has been trying to steer Staff in the right direction but I think that it might be doing more harm than good at this point. I don’t know. Maybe I shouldn’t have my nose in other people’s business. He ran off after a disagreement with Phillip while we were in town and we haven’t seen him since. He did call Phillip later to let us know we were okay, though. This is the part that you might want to sit down for. I was talking to Phillip on a bridge when something came out of nowhere and just knocked me off completely. It was a tall bridge. Sharn’s bridges go over entire buildings. I thought I was going to die. I didn’t though, because I’m writing this letter to you right now. Some building statue that I passed came to life and caught me. He only took me to safety once I gave him most of the stuff I had on me. The point is that I think I’m in more danger than I realized. I’ll try not to be alone anymore, but I don’t know what can happen. I have a feeling once they realize that didn’t kill me that they’ll keep trying to until they do. I can obviously take care of myself, but I’m just letting you know on the off chance that something does happen. I love you guys. Havnen.

01:33 am - 18.07.2021

Dear Grabull and Vithrev, After we got Vilroy, Thuranne didn't have much to do. We were supposed to relax, but one of the party members, Staff, had some business to take care of. He's a warforged, and apparently there are a bunch of warforged riots going around town. They're demanding free rights basically. Some of them are threatening to resort to violence though. I don't really blame them though. Apparently this has been going on since the war ended. I want to explain more, but I'll wait until I see you in person to talk about it. It's a lot to explain in one letter. Needless to say, Staff wasn't feeling great. I tried to give him some advice. I hope it worked. We went back to that gang. They had a mission for us to warn this guy to pay back on his loans. He was at this casino and gambling away all his money trying to get it back. We tried to convince him to give what he had, but he had literally nothing on him. Then the other members suggested we try and win the money back, but that didn't work either. Roven (he's the guy I wrote to you about in my last letter) tried to fix one of the machines to always win, but the guards found out. Roven had enough money to bribe one of the guards to stay quiet though. The guy we did all that for was a real piece of shit though. Doesn't give a shit about his family or his debt. And when I called him out on it he immediately went to insulting orcs and Gatekeepers. I could have strangled him right then and there if my group hadn't pulled me back. I was about to lay one on him. I nearly did, too. I let my temper get the best of me, though. Again. I know I can't lose my temper every time I run into someone I don't like, but it feels like I can't control myself sometimes. But now that I think about it, I think that was the first time I've pulled away from a fight like that. It probably was just a coincidence though. Anyway, I hope you two are doing well. I'll send another letter in a couple of days. Havnen

02:59 pm - 03.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Havnen.

Played by
Aurora Frappe