The Literate Trigori Gostok | World Anvil

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The Literate Trigori Gostok
The Reader

Level 4 Human CN Bard
(Rakdos Cultist)
/ 40 HP

I revel in mayhem, the more destructive the better. Ideals Hedonism: Death comes for everyone, so take as much pleasure as you can from every moment of life. Spectacle: People are inspired by the greatness they see in art.

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The major events and journals in Trigori's history, from the beginning to today.

Episode 18: Burn Bright

07:24 am - 19.02.2021

Episode 18: Burn Bright

02:24 am - 19.02.2021

Episode 16: Holy fuck have there really been this many sessions already????

03:08 pm - 07.02.2021

Episode 16: Holy fuck have there really been this many sessions already????

02:37 am - 07.02.2021

Episode 15: Boy Band and Goblin

09:36 am - 25.01.2021

Episode 15: Boy Band and Goblin

01:58 am - 25.01.2021


06:31 am - 13.01.2021


02:01 am - 13.01.2021

Episode XI: Fancy Party

04:23 am - 10.08.2020

Episode XI: Fancy Party

01:51 am - 10.08.2020

Episode XI: Fancy Party

01:03 am - 10.08.2020

Episode 10: Who Needs Roman Numerals?

06:27 am - 03.08.2020

Episode 10: Who Needs Roman Numerals?

01:18 am - 03.08.2020

Chapter VIII: The session where I episode session episode chapter.

05:41 am - 20.07.2020

Chapter VIII: The session where I episode session episode chapter.

01:17 am - 20.07.2020

Session V Part 2: Azorius Guards

12:55 am - 13.07.2020

Session V Part 2: Azorius Guards

08:39 pm - 12.07.2020

Episode Vb: SEANCE!

08:51 am - 30.06.2020

Episode Vb: SEANCE!

02:16 am - 29.06.2020

Session IVb: Investigating in Earnest Part 2

07:20 am - 15.06.2020

Session IVb: Investigating in Earnest Part 2

02:56 am - 15.06.2020

Episode IIIb: The Masquerade

06:43 am - 01.06.2020

Episode IIIb: The Masquerade

01:29 am - 01.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Trigori.

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