Apparel & Accessories
Ivy wears leather boots with a small, sturdy heel; ankle length skirts, that were once black now a little faded, still nice. Full skirts, big pickets (not magic, just ala Victorian).
Belt, from which hangs a metal cup, sheathed utility knife (not a weapon), coin purse filled with herbs, braided rope of long grass, braid wool, and ivy vines. At the end of the rope is woven in her star map crystal, to tie together the land (grass for the forest, wool for the villagers, ivy for the druids) and her love for the stars.
Billowy 'pirate' linen white shirt, long sleeves, fitted and buttoned tight at the wrists. Black fitted vest over the shirt, clearly hand embroidered with stars and constellations. Dark green witch hat, with bent tip at the top.
Ivy has a bright yellow wool coat gifted to her by neighbors to Blackwood, after returning half a herd lost to Blackwood. The coat is long enough to end right before the knee, with long bell sleeves, and Ivy has embroidered her namesake ivy along the seems in her spare time.