The Baroness of Ice Aurelia Hammerlock | World Anvil

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The Baroness of Ice Aurelia Hammerlock
Lady Hammerlock

Chaotic Evil High Elf (Nobel)
Sorcerer 7
58 / 58 HP

The heiress of the Hammerlock family fortune, Aurelia is the sister of Sir Alistair Hammerlock. As an exorbitantly wealthy socialite, she has taken up the hobby of hunting, traveling the galaxy to seek dangerous creatures to kill.

Campaign & Party

April 2-3, 505 AD

Second Session - 15 June 2021

by The Baroness of Ice Aurelia Hammerlock

Dear Diary,
Today, I watched Volk grow spikes and try to copy my wonderful voice for some reason. Dahlia knocked him bloody out, which was quite lovely to watch. I did my classic flirt trick on the old priest guy. I think he might have a thing for me and my devilish charm... or perhaps just my voluptuous bosom. I confronted Isabel about her affair, but alas the bitch tried to cut me. Maybe I'll try to get some money out of her spineless boy toy. Either way, I need to fix my financial situation. I am not used to living so impoverished. I did do a bit of killing that was quite amusing, and it paid the best I've seen in my time in Rockmount.
Stay beautiful, you saucy little minx
Your Baroness
Lady Aurelia Hammerlock

Aurelia's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. First Session - 8 June 2021
    March 31-April 1, 505 AD
  2. Second Session - 15 June 2021
    April 2-3, 505 AD

The major events and journals in Aurelia's history, from the beginning to today.

Second Session - 15 June 2021

Dear Diary, Today, I watched Volk grow spikes and try to copy my wonderful voice for some reason. Dahlia knocked him bloody out, which was quite lovely to watch. I did my classic flirt trick on the old priest guy. I think he might have a thing for me and...

01:46 am - 16.06.2021

First Session - 8 June 2021

Dear Diary, The past few days I have made more money. That is the only thing of importance. However, I feel like my feelings towards others have started to change. My good pal, Lajy, is kind of a weird lad. I have caught him talking to a dog cause he "...

08:54 pm - 15.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Aurelia.

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