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Sylvain Scrimshander
Scion of the Dread Queen

Son to the Lady of Dread- Pirate Queen Sullivan and the Old Man of the Sea, Sylvain stalks the seas. He has clashed with the Coalition on numerous occasions and gone against the Navy's finest ships and come out the better.

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27th Summer

Entry 0111

by Sylvain Scrimshander

As the monster rose from the water, the wake slammed our small vessel into the Blind Wolf. This damaged the vessel. Beyond repair, unlikely. Beyond seaworthiness? Most certainly. Our lovely crew retrieved me and Oz from the choppy waters. The leviathan stared at us for a moment, saying something in a language we didn't understand- or at least I didn't. Newt spoke its tongue, and conversed with it for a time. Being slightly cowardly, I think it could have gone better. Claimed to be some sort of ancient. I think some other stuff happened, but Nico made a pact with it for power or the like. It returned back underneath the waves, and we set off for our next port.

Sylvain's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Entry the 3rd
    26th Summer Morning
  2. Entry the 4th
    26th Summer Noon-Evening
  3. Entry V
    27th Summer Morning
  4. Entry VI
    27th Summer
  5. Entry 0111
    27th Summer

The major events and journals in Sylvain's history, from the beginning to today.

Entry 0111

As the monster rose from the water, the wake slammed our small vessel into the Blind Wolf. This damaged the vessel. Beyond repair, unlikely. Beyond seaworthiness? Most certainly. Our lovely crew retrieved me and Oz from the choppy waters. The leviathan st...

01:42 pm - 16.05.2021

Entry VI

Snapshot of the moments before disaster: The Druid revealed the monster below the waves to us, and we were afraid. It opened its maw to hell and began to devour water and ocean beasts alike. Some ended up on the deck, eels and fish thrashing on the dec...

10:33 pm - 11.04.2021

Entry V

We joined the halflings on a nearby island to rest. It was barely a slip of land, nothing more than a few trees. We settled down to make a few plans, eat dinner, and have a drink. Plans weren't very fruitful. We don't know all that much about the Leviatha...

12:54 am - 29.03.2021

Entry the 4th

Crew saw something strange off the bow: a large shadow longer than our ship. There were some halflings in pursuit with a small vessel of their own. Seems they didn't notice us, and they maneuvering isn't their strong suit, so they collided with the Blind ...

09:51 pm - 21.02.2021

Entry the 3rd

The day began with the sound of a shouting lizard. There was a small vessel knocking against our hull, with someone inside! It was a male humanoid, silvery hair, with a strange constellation tattoo on his crown. Goes by the name of Oz. He was also accomp...

05:06 pm - 15.02.2021

Entry the Second

Where last I left off... we approached the ship, named the Blind Wolf. A single light shone from the Captain's quarters. It was there that we found out contact: a man by the name of Jullien. He had acquired this ship, much to his shame, and passed it to u...

12:26 am - 11.01.2021

Entry the First

The following entries are intended for future notarization purposes to be sent to one Thaleia the Merfolk, head of some Current sect presumably. Or at least in charge of the purse. Anyways- entries herein are a history of business expenses incurred retrie...

12:06 am - 04.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sylvain.

Played by

Other Characters by JoeEvil