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Luic Lowell

The eldest of four brothers, Luic Lowell was born into a family of minor nobility. He was a cunning man, but selfish and arrogant. He was also a member of the Clockmakers, and exploited his family's trade business to finance their operations. However, he betrayed the Clockmakers for financial gain, and was imprisoned by them in secret. The Bloodlocks, a cult-like group of hemomancers, liberated him in exchange for his full financial support. Additionally, he provided his own private mercenary force to aid in the defense of their hidden base of operations. He was captured during the Battle of the Secret Stairs and returned to Fora. However, when Mendax revealed herself and claimed the throne, he was petrified into bronze and stored as a statue in Mendax's pocket dimension. He remains there to this day.

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Mendax's Pocket Dimension

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