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Knight of the Crown Ophelia Windwalker

A space eyed Owlfolk with a passion for fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. She is most dedicated to her sister Selena whom she will do anything for.

Sun 23rd Jan 2022 02:42

The Beginning

by Knight of the Crown Ophelia Windwalker

Ophelia was born into a humble Owlfolk village with her twin sister Selena, where Ophelia's
feathers were dark resembling a night sky with her white speckles her sister was born albino
sporting snowy white feathers and soft pink features with vibrant red eyes. the village was made
up of cozy cottage like hollows in enormous redwood sized trees where owlfolk of all variants,
armed and armless, resided in the fey touched realm.
The sisters grew up in a warm community learning to hunt, fly, and harness their arcane prowess
from their parents Celeste and Obrion, armless owlfolk of bold grey and black feathering. They
would work hard on their crafts, Selena focusing on celestial sorcery white Ophelia focused
more on elemental abilities harnessing fire and water. they would help each other study and
practice their acrobatics and magic making sure to never harm the other when training their
more combat ready skills. They were close, incredibly close and were rarely seen without the
other, protecting each other when venturing to more dangerous areas of their realm before
eventually setting out from their homeplane to seek out adventure elsewhere.
Things went off well enough upon entering the material plane but the challenges they faced here
turned out to be greater than they had anticipated and while observing the ruins of an old temple
the young sisters would find themselves at the mercy of a nastiness of gargoyles. The sisters
would manage to dodge and evade with their smaller sizes but the gargoyles were relentless
and while the twins managed to hold their own with their various magics one strong hit was
enough to send the albino sibling plummeting to the ground amongst the crumbling ruins.
Ophelia, seeing her sister fall, would dive after her, barely managing to catch her sister by the
claws to slow her fall before they both crash into the stone remains with the gargoyles quick to
follow. With her sister's wing in splinters from the gargoyle's claws and her being worn from
dodging and casting it looked like their journey was about to come to a sudden end. Ophelia
scuffled with the gargoyles, clawing and snapping her beak trying to keep them back from her
sister while others shove past her to get at the snowy feathered owl, pulling at her feathers and
yanking on her limbs as the young owl shrieked in pain and terror when suddenly she stopped.
Ophelia's blood ran cold, peering back to find her twin hanging limp between the claws of two of
the gargoyles who had seemed to be playing tug of war with the limp owlfolk. Rage boiled in the
dark feathered twin, her claws scraping furiously into the closest of the stone skinned beasts
who reeled back, dropping Selena to the ground where Ophelia crouched over her defensively
praying to any possible deity that would care enough to hear her pleas. It was then she heard a
voice in her head, a strong feeling of dark power washing over her as it spoke.
"What is it you desire?"
"My sister's wellbeing, her life, our safety"
"and what would you give for this?"
"anything, please, save her"
With that a jolt pierced the owlfolk's core, her eyes glazing over briefly before swirls of deep
purple spiral through them, her pupils near invisible behind the glossy galaxy that had invaded
her gaze. A wave of power burst outward, the already crumbling building cracking as tentacles
emerge from the earth smashing the gargoyles beneath their coils. The power radiating from her
enveloped her sister, Selena's form seeming to heal itself before her eyes until her vision began
to fade and she collapsed over her sister, the world around her fading to the void.
Opening her eyes the dark feathered owlfolk would wake to unfamiliar surroundings, a large
cottage like structure where everything was enormous. Her head was throbbing as her eyes
adjusted to the light when a large tan face with somewhat bovine features invaded her line of
sight with a somewhat too loud "Oh good yer awake! Was startin' tah think you'd never come
around, been watchin' over ya ever since I found ya I have" the large woman gushed, picking up
the confused owl in her large hands, holding her up to look her over as Ophelia tried to get her
"Sorry, what?"
"Oh pardon my enthusiasm, found ya in some rubble covered in dust, looked like ye'd been in
quite the scuffle. Took ya right in I did, you and the snowy lookin' one"
Ophelia would perk up at the mention of her sister, her head swiveling about as she suddenly felt
her strength returning to her.
"Selena, where is she?! Is she alright?"
"woah there little one, she's doin' just fine, was actually the one who came to get me. Wouldn't a
found ya without her"
The giantess would carry Ophelia to a connecting room where Selena would be seen peering out
a large window with a teacup the size of a large bowl sitting in front of her filled with what
smelled like some kind of tea. The dark owlfolk would jump from the stranger's hands, gliding to
the window with a bit of struggle before landing clumsily beside her twin who turned, seeming to
be pulled from her thoughts to see her. Selena's expression would instantly shift from sorrow to
joy seeing her sister awake, embracing her with her wings as they fuss over one another.
"I was starting to believe you would never wake!"
"How long have I been out?"
"A little over a week, Miss Evertree has been watching over you this whole time, she's tried so
many remedies to try to wake you but nothing worked. I'm so glad you're alright"
"A.. a week? It's been that long?"
Ophelia would shake her head slightly, pressing a wing to her temple as she shifted back, the
firbolg she now knew to be this Miss Evertree pulling up a large chair beside the twins.
"Ye kept twitchin' in yer sleep, mutterin' in some language I couldn't understand, thought ye were
possessed at first but figured ye were prolly 'avin' nightmares"
"Thank you.. for watching over me, and my sister"
"Oh no trouble at all dearest, I'm 'appy ta help"
The sisters would spend some time catching up and getting to know the gentle firbolg, enjoying
her cooking and hospitality before eventually taking their leave once Ophelia was feeling strong
enough to fly longer distances. They decided to take it easier now, Selene didn't seem to recall
most of the event that had ended in her death, only remembering being attacked and waking
with her sister slumped over her on a slab of floor surrounded by fissures. Ophelia didn't have
the heart to give her the grizzly details, the images of her twin being tugged on like a chewtoy
haunting her mind. The voice she had heard that day had been quiet, she almost thought it had
been a dream but a sinking feeling in her chest said otherwise.
Time went on and while still close the sister's parted ways to pursue their individual studies,
Selena travelling to apprentice under a powerful sorceress while Ophelia went to travel the
world, unbeknownst to her sister she had been having night terrors after the incident and
eventually was unable to sleep at all though she didn't feel tired much despite this. The voice in
her head would grow more prominent, whispering in her head, ringing in her skull, one of her
starry eyes turning a sharp green before she was gifted a monocle from her devious patron to
hide it from prying eyes. He asked of her many things, finding things, hiding things, peering
through her gaze as she acted as his eyes in places he could not reach.
One such event occurred whilst she was scouting out a city, she had been ordered to observe a
religious group and their schedules for something he had planned. He wouldn't give her all the
details of course but they were working in secret so whatever it was would probably be
interesting. On silent wing she would follow from the sky, her monacled gaze soaking in their
every move. As night fell the Owlfolk would fly a bit lower, tailing these strangers as they
travelled through the woods to a lone, run down structure speaking of gods she wasn't entirely
familiar with not being native to this plane. Her body would vanish as she glided down to appear
closer when suddenly a rush of pain seared her infected eye.
Ophelia would reel back with a hiss, the sound alerting a nearby individual who ran off, alerting
the members nearest to him. For some reason she was unable to draw any closer to the
structure without her eye feeling as if it were going to burn out of her socket. With haste she
retreated, vision blurred as her head throbbed, her wings clipping a few branches in her rushed
escape. She would fly for a while before landing on a low hanging limb, something she would
soon come to regret. In her somewhat delirious state the Owlfolk didn't hear the approaching
footsteps when she suddenly found herself bound in a net careening to the forest floor. She
hardly had time to think before she was picked up, hanging upside down as she stared face to
face with a man who looked like his smile could peel paint.
"Unhand me this instant!'
"Ohoho I don't think so birdy, you'll fetch me a pretty penny you will."
Ophelia would scowl, lashing out through the netting with her claws as she tried to ignite the
ropes and his face in the process, her talons catching his cheek before he reeled back as the
scent of seared flesh filled their noses.
"Son of a- feisty thing ain'tcha, can't have ye using your magic to get out now can we?"
He'd carrier her over to a covered wagon as she tore at the ropes, the sizzle of the fibers
promising freedom before the man would suddenly thrust the net open sending her tumbling
into a barred cage. Swift on her wing she'd roll in the air to launch back at him with talons
outstretched but was met with a facefull of metal as the door slammed shut.
"Idiot! Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?"
"Don't know, don't care, just know you're gonna be a pretty lil' ornament for some scumbag once
I bring ya in."
He'd knock on the metal cage with a disgusting grin.
"Can't use yer fancy spells in here, made special for beasties like you. Just sit back and enjoy the
The man would laugh and would step away, leaving Ophelia alone in the back before it started
moving, rocking her back and forth. She'd scowl, shaking the bars with her claws before she'd
attempt to warp out but found her abilities stunted, tiringly so. Every time she attempted to use
her magic she was met with disappointment, each one fizzling out leaving her feeling drained
after a few straight hours of escape attempts. Whatever magic was on this cage was soaking
up her spells and eventually she grew too weary to try again.
From here the Owlfolk would concentrate on observation, scanning her environment and making
note of potential flaws in the wagon's structure, the smells, the sounds. Tuning into the sounds
she noticed there was quite a bit of commotion growing louder, a town perhaps, or large
encampment. It was difficult to see through the back of the wagon but what she could see
through the flap of fabric confirmed her suspicion, stalls and carts, people of all sizes. There
was a smell of cooked meats and sweat, sounds of crying and booming conversations.
Wherever she was it was bad news.
The wagon would eventually roll to a stop and a few moments would pass until her captor would
make an appearance, grabbing the top of the cage as he hoisted it out of the wagon. He's start
to carry her somewhere before Ophelia would take advantage of the situation and would latch
onto his fingers with her beak, tearing the flesh from bone causing the man to scream and drop
the cage. The door would snap open and without hesitation the Owlfolk scurried through the
opening, thrusting her wings to take off when to her dismay she found herself being shoved
beak first into the ground by her neck.
She'd struggle, beating her wings against the ground as what seemed to be a metal clamp of
some sort squeezed around her neck holding her where she lay. Another voice spoke and a boot
stepped in front of her face as the man who captured her cursed in the background, the
newcomer speaking up.
"Not so fast there little lady, we're not finished here"
He would sneer, picking her up by the neck with the metal device that seemed to have similar
properties to the cage she had just escaped from. Looking around it was apparent where she
had wound up, a smugglers market. A camp of poachers and scoundrels to sell things even
some black markets wouldn't touch. There were beasts and people in various cages, including a
manticore, a handful of goblins, and a dark furred Tabaxi with spots stained crimson with blood,
there was the sound of someone being whipped ringing out from behind some tents while the
stench and whimpers of forced pleasures bled from others. Disgusting.
"Now then, if you'll come with me I have a client who would Love to add you to his collection"
The man holding her would grin, tossing her captor a sack of coin before carrying her into a tent.
"First things first though, can't have them flouncing you about as if they caught you themselves
now can we? Hold tight for me"
He'd click the device holding her neck into a table, grabbing her wings as she struggled before
pinning them down as well to keep her still as he moved away. Turning her head a bit she
watched him stand by a fire with a rod resting within, he'd pick it up after a while and her eyes
went wide as she realized what he was about to do. A branding iron, red hot with a serpent
design from what she could tell.
"Don't you dare, let me go now and I'll forget this encounter ever happened."
She hissed, struggling against the metal clasps as she kicked her legs, talons flexed in warning
as he drew closer, a wild smile spread across his smug face.
"Aw, but we're going to have so much fun together? Everyone loves a little pain, keeps thingsā€¦
He would sneer, grabbing her flailing claws and slamming them into the table as he holds the
iron over her, hovering it just above her feathers as he'd look her over before pressing it firmly on
the inside of her right wing right where the feathers were thin where the skin stretched between
her wing and her chest. An involuntary shriek escaped her beak as her skin hissed, the smell of
burning feathers and flesh searing her nose as the man simply laughed, watching the smoke
curl around his hand as he burned his trademark into her. Ophelia would thrash, struggling to get
away from the burning sensation that was starting to make her shoulder go numb but to no
avail. Even after he pulled away and rested the rod back in the flames the burning pain didn't
cease, her chest flickering as she struggled to breath.
"See, that wasn't so bad?"
"Fuck you asshole"
She panted, her wing trembling from the pain as tears streamed down the side of her face. He'd
turn back to her, unlatching her wings and picking her up by the neck again with the device and
carrying her to a cage, dumping her inside.
"Sit tight little lady, once that scars over you'll be heading to your new home"
"I'll kill you, I swear I will"
"Aw, you promise?"
He laughed, kicking the cage making her stumble before he took his leave.
There she would stay, biding her time as she got to know every detail of this tent and the man
holding her here. Her stay was anything but enjoyable, he'd feed her scraps which she would
initially refuse but had to give in to keep up her strength, he enjoyed pressing the burn with his
fingers any chance he got to give her pain, he'd hang her up by her neck now and then just to
watch her struggle to stay aloft to avoid asphyxiation all the while depriving her of all magic.
It continued like this for weeks, torture and teasing, toying with her and keeping her locked up
until it was nearing her trade date. He had avoided giving her visible damage closer to the day to
make sure she was looking proper enough for his buyer. She would pace in the cage, her talons
clicking angrily against the floor of her containment as she watched, and listened. There was
suddenly a commotion outside, thundering of hooves and various shouts and cries of "Contain
that beast" and "Look out!" In the blink of an eye the calm decorative tent that surrounded her
was flooded with sunlight as a great hooved beast tore through the space sending instruments
scattering to the floor toppling Ophelia's cage in the process.
Everything happened so quickly, one minute she was pacing in a cage and the next she was
scrambling out of the he way of flying hooves as the beast stomps the side of her cage open in
it's frenzy. This was her chance and she wasted no time, she was sore and worn but if she didn't
take the opportunity it may never come again. Rolling out of the way of the beast Ophelia flared
her wings, hopping up onto a toppling shelf and out through a tear in the tent flying as fast as
her wings could carry her straight up to the sanctuary of the clouds overhead. Finally, finally she
was free of this place. She had promised revenge to her captor but that could wait, his time
would come, for now she would bask in her freedom and catch up with her dark patron who
waited impatiently for her escape. She had a lot of making up to do to keep him pleased, the
road ahead was going to be a rocky one.
It dragged on like this for too long doing her patrons bidding before she found herself among
new company, strange company. Something about these folks triggered something in her, after
so long of hearing little more than this dark entity and what he desired her to hear, the... absolute
absurdity of these strangers was... refreshing. They were quirky, and spontaneous, and so
different than the droll crowd she had been forced to listen in on. It triggered something, a
warmth she hadn't felt in a very long while.
She joined them on their mission, going against her dark god and after breaking the control he
had over her by acting against his desires she had a goal. To free herself once and for all from
his cold grasp with the aid of the individuals she'd come to call her companions. Despite not
knowing them for long they aided her in her task and after a difficult trial she was reborn, her
soul renewed and her path enlightened as she was, at last, given the chance to undo the
corruption to her mind.
Every so often she has visions of her past misdeeds, the incident with her sister, and the time
her mind was not entirely her own but she is healing. There is no forgetting what has transpired
but for now she is content, finally finding herself on a path to redemption

The major events and journals in Ophelia's history, from the beginning to today.

Along with Mikah I free a Minotaur in the tomb next to him, I hope he can fight, we'll need all the help we can get. I'm just about dead as it is.

10:23 pm - 22.03.2022

I get blasted by another one of these gods damned traps trying to free Mikah, stupid buttons, stupid traps. I'm so done with this place, I'm burnt and bloodied, this is not a good start to this battle ahead.

10:22 pm - 22.03.2022

Our guest adventurer has died. We were too late, Snow held them after their lifeless body fell from the iron maiden. We don't have time to mourn, the prime dragon will be upon us soon.

10:03 pm - 22.03.2022

I fly off to find some key and meet up with Evac, he has the Queen who's apparently been trying to off herself and a medallion around her neck. I tell him to go, I follow behind urging him forward.

01:45 am - 16.03.2022

Evac frees me from my tomb and we explore some, I free Eris from a tomb further down when I hear a terrible kerchunk! Turns out our new tebaxi Paw got blasted into an Iron Maiden. We're struggling to free her. Mikah got stuck in a guarded tomb somehow.

01:42 am - 16.03.2022

She's trapped us against her will.

11:05 pm - 15.03.2022

The Frost Queen tricked us.

11:04 pm - 15.03.2022

The symbol of the five clawed dragon paw in the colour of the chromatics are the mark of The Watch, followers of Orenar.

10:32 pm - 15.03.2022

There is a second portal in this room that leads to the ice plane, it's providing a cold chill that keep the space frozen. There is serious magic in play here.

10:14 pm - 15.03.2022

We're informed the prime dragon visits the feeding grounds once every 4 days to hunt orcas. The queen suggests us to visit a nearby town to recruit aid for our fight, the town Othys. He requires the town to sacrifice females for him to breed with to create prime dragonborns. Im wondering if we will have to fight them as well.

10:13 pm - 15.03.2022

We enter the portal and are greeted by whom I assume to be the Frost Mother

03:06 am - 09.03.2022

I decide to enchant my mech with the gift of the Flametongue, should things go south I hope the mechanical beast can lend us aid with burning claw attacks.

02:31 am - 09.03.2022

I suddenly don't recall why I was so flustered earlier. Ioune claims to have taken a memory from me, I feel much less stressed so I'm grateful for their aid.

02:24 am - 09.03.2022

After Tiamat floods my mind with visions of her time with Evac I take sanctuary in the temple district. I finally have time to find an empty temple and, while doubtful it will work, I place the crown and pearl I was once gifted by Ioune on the pedestal within after rearranging the toppled over benches. They speak to me in my mind and then form before me, it is relieving to see them after our last meeting. They tell me of things. The library of time. The library of knowledge. If I heighten my peity to them I will have access to this place and will know how to summon Oblivion. A library of endless knowledge. They also tell me that one of us will not reach the end of this journey in life, it is to be expected in a quest as dangerous as this one but the news is still hard to bare. I wish to see my sister return to this world, a safer world, but if I shall die I hope that we still succeed in our journey even if I can not see it. As long as she returns to a new, safe world I will be happy for that. I would sacrifice myself for a future in which she can thrive.

02:23 am - 09.03.2022

We will leave in the morning, anything we wish to prepare we will need to do so today.

02:00 am - 09.03.2022

Lure it or wait for it to come to it's feeding hole and plan an ambush there potentially. A food based offering mayhaps. It will know we are there, we can get items to shield our dragons from it's senses. A necklace of shielding to shield our soul from being seen. As well as a potion of Greater Restorations and four potions of Supreme Healing each.

02:00 am - 09.03.2022

Ambush will be best to avoid Zarith retreating to their lair and bunkering down where they are strongest.

01:52 am - 09.03.2022

Center Citadel will be important to remember.

01:51 am - 09.03.2022

cold moon is gaining the attention of Ithis the Prime Fire Dragon.

01:50 am - 09.03.2022

There have been reports of cultists in the city that upon arrest seem to vanish from their cells.

01:49 am - 09.03.2022

Snow speaks to the High rulers and informs them of the Moon Scepter that is apparently located in a district outside the city. Apparently this is important to the High Mistress. Mikah brings up the Teifling, apparently Astaria is attempting to usurp the High Mistress. She believes her to work for Soth as the crown and scepter had gone missing a few weeks back. She heirs from the Frost Plane. The missing items were being guarded by frost spiders and trolls from the frost plane and were overheard speaking that they were told to protect them for Lord Soth.

01:48 am - 09.03.2022

I see a purple tiefling among the council who seems frustrated, scowling at the High Mistress. Mikah may bring it up during his and Snow's meeting with Star.

01:44 am - 09.03.2022

We each receive a badge of the Lunar Resistance and a choice of an item. Ring of Cold Resistance or Enchant one item we have with fire energy, the Flamtongue enchantment can do additional fire damage (3d6 fire)

01:39 am - 09.03.2022

will eet the "Frost Mother" I assume this is another term for the Ice Queen. She requests us to add Paw to our journey to take notes for her on the two entities who are "not to be named", she speaks highly of them. Apparently Paw is a captain in the Lunar Armada. When we meet with the Frost Mother we are to address her as such. Star claims there is a treaty with the Frost Mother to bring her to power above the dragon Zarith who they claim to be a tyrant. High Mistress Star now asks if we have any questions. Evac tells her about dragon eggs that are awaiting care from a dragon of the crystal kin. Do not crush or destroy the prime portal until after the dragon is killed otherwise it will become a new type of god. If the portal is still open it's soul will depart and return to it's plane. When it dies there will be an arkenstone, it will take us to Orenar. We are one of many groups to face our foes. If we die there we will die for good, there are no second chances, our souls will join the river. The order will give us each a soul gem, if it comes to pass that one of us falls in battle if we are within' 60ft of them we can react and break it and their soul will enter the split gem instead of being absorbed into the river. It will remain there until Soth falls. Us spellcasters have received one blue ethereum crystal but it will exhaust us when used, a trade of power.

01:34 am - 09.03.2022

When we enter we are out of atmosphere in an observatory like vessel orbiting above Star City, the others moons can be seen from here as well. One one side of the Queen is Oobei and the other standing on his chair is the spymaster standing not even a foot high. The queen addresses us and gifts us with a lunar blessing. +18 temp hitpoints, cured wounds, cured exhaustion and we are immune to fear.

01:22 am - 09.03.2022

We arrive to the council, the introduction of Snow was a bit sloppy poor dear must be a bit tired today. I am introduced after and we enter the room to meet the High Mistress Star.

01:07 am - 09.03.2022

The temple is very vacant other than the coin and a statue of a sweet tiefling female with a coin slot in her forehead. Inserting the coin awakens the essence of Timora who grants me a gentle blessing. +1 luck point to be used as I please.

12:45 am - 09.03.2022

I take time in the morning to enter one of the vacant temples, there is a double headed coin on the floor, this is a coin of Timora, she is the one who blessed all halflings bountiful luck. I had other plans but perhaps this temple should be dedicated to her, I will find a different one for Ioune after the meeting with the High Mistress.

12:30 am - 09.03.2022

In the middle of the night I'm awakened by the sound of a creature giving birth, a dragon by the sounds of it, I wasn't aware this establishment was designed with this kind of thing but it is many years since my time so who knows? What an odd thing to hear in an Estate.

12:09 am - 09.03.2022

We will be meeting High Mistress Star tomorrow Queen of Moons, as well as Spy Master Nibbles and the Tabaxi we met yesterday the High Arcanus Oobei. Upon entering the room I'll be staying in the blank walls and floor shift to resemble the fey nature of my homeland, bioluminescent foliage, a stream and a sleeping leaf similar to ones I had nested in before which wraps around my form like a cocoon giving my talons a rest from their frequent state of grasping an perching, a welcomed change I wasn't aware I needed.

11:58 pm - 08.03.2022

As night falls a new face makes an approach, a white tabaxi who calls herself Pah. Ubay, another tabaxi instructs us to enter the Lunar Estate where we will be resting.

11:30 pm - 08.03.2022

Return Tiamat to our world

I place Eris's scale on the altar of the temple she chose, it changes in Tiamat's image and the goddess reveals herself to me and grants me her blessing and items to aid me. She may also come to my aid in our battle on our planet.

02:46 am - 02.03.2022

Staff of the Red Dragon (ivory class) This will help If you run into any trouble let me know (Divine Intervention 10% to call Tiamat for aid) d8 of any chromatic to any save or attack spell.

02:28 am - 02.03.2022

Eris want the temple on the right, she gives me a scale. I carry the scale to the alter and it grows more and more heavy before it thumps against the pedestal. All the tiles become glossy and rainbow in hue, reflecting in colours. The curtains turn white and the roof shingles become chromatic dragon scales. Tiamat appears, lounging casually in revealing attire. "I'm going to give you something special, I don't normally give things to mortals but you followed the plan just right" -Fizbans platinum shield spell once per day- Orenar burned his soul and ascended on this planet, he'd have to burn 1,000 souls throughout the multiverses. He'll have to find himself across the multiverse. "Evac has something against my Piece of Ass, while he's a creature of my brother's creation there is much I can do with... that"

02:24 am - 02.03.2022

I need to speak with Eris about how to start a temple for Tekesis (Tiamat). I'd like to stay here in the gardens tonight, to pray and meditate. I need to try and reconnect with the gods and to thank Selune for blessing my sister. I did not choose Eris over the gods out of selfishness, I made my decision based off of my faith in the god's return. The gods were defeated once, we all were, I hope with the aid of the dragons we will have a better chance to reclaim our planet. We need all the power we can get.

02:10 am - 02.03.2022

Mikah places the gems in the fountain, a water nhyad seems to form in spirit. They call themselves Eldath. The fountain overflows as water floods the streets, it is crisp, clean, and pure.

02:03 am - 02.03.2022

I plant the seed of Gaia first in one garden, the tree grows very fast and I have to fly backwards quickly. I recall the World Tree back in the day. The tree grows two, huge lanterns on each side with statues within them, the lanterns are the size of a luxurious house. On the left is a statue of Gaia, the second is Sune, the goddess of beauty, light, love and nature. Aphrodite's Twin sister, her flower is a rose while Aphrodite's is a lily. I plant Eldath's seed, this tree bears lanterns with Eldath and Selune in the second garden. I make a silent prayer to the deities of nature and the celestial bodies.

01:38 am - 02.03.2022

Ruby dragon scale is needed to bring the gem deity to us. Tekesis and Sardior will be in the temples on either side of Fizban.

01:18 am - 02.03.2022

Fizban wants us to bring the god of the gem dragons to this realm. Sardior, highest of the gem dragons. Dragon Deity of Neutral Dragons. Also the dragon god of night, secrets and psyonics.

01:17 am - 02.03.2022

Mikah takes the platinum scale and the spectre of Fizban to his chosen temple while I remain outside to find a good spot in the gardens to plant the Tree of Gaia.

01:10 am - 02.03.2022

Arrive in Star City

We've arrived in Star City, we'll rest here before carrying on to the primal planet to face the primal frost dragon.

01:06 am - 02.03.2022

150000g potion of supreme healing May want to look into scrolls. We'll need to prepare for a cold journey as we'll be headed to the Cold Plane "Argonna" where we will speak to the Ice Queen. Argonna has a massive ice lake that the prime dragon will drink and eat from. Zarith is their name.

12:47 am - 02.03.2022

There is a religious district, the temples lay empty. Fizban is summoned before Elandra (Mikah's fiancee? wife?) and requests a temple in the city. Mikah tells her about the rogue red dragon and the Miralith and the everpool.

12:37 am - 02.03.2022

There are many beast races here, kenku that can speak, winged kobolds, arakokras, and many others. It would seem I don't need to pretend to be nonsentient here which is refreshing.

12:27 am - 02.03.2022

The guard wanted a pellet, I gave him two. Not too sure why I had two but there it was. He seemed excited to know they are flamable, something to entertain him, at least someone appreciates the work put into making those.

12:22 am - 02.03.2022

"Plug, Pull, then Remove" the correct order to use the Arkenstone, Do not Pull first.

12:09 am - 02.03.2022

Corg the guard speaks up to us calling us The Chosen. They have been instructed to guide us to the city. The arkenstone will need to be programmed for Starcity.

12:06 am - 02.03.2022

Evocation magics are two tiers higher on the Red moon we will be arriving at once we travel through this portal.

12:03 am - 02.03.2022

The entrance to Starcity awaits us guarded by elves, they bore witness to us and our dragons, one of the guards bears regalia of Selune. Selune too needs to be brought back it seems.

12:01 am - 02.03.2022

She gives Mikah some sapphires and tells him to place them in a fountain in a religious place. Once used to communicate between the high priests of Eldath, they will create a waterfall where they are placed.

11:59 pm - 01.03.2022

"Plant these seeds, one for Gaia and Eldath" There is bound to be a place in Starcity to plant these seeds. Mishakal, Eldath and Gaia need to be brought back.

11:46 pm - 01.03.2022

There is a tree here at the place of power with the face of the deity Gaia, there is a Nymph Serena who we've met before though she does not yet know us. She explains Gaia to me, she has a bag of seeds to take to various places. They will grow worship trees bearing the face of Gaia, they can produce world root (wyrdwood). She states "do not bring back the Chained One, Orfus"

11:41 pm - 01.03.2022

Our arkenstone will take up to Star City, meet with High Mistress Star and tell her we are on a mission from ethneria and need to go to the frost lands. Should we fail the planets, the moons, will face oblivion.

03:10 am - 23.02.2022

The Place of Power

We reached our place of power and meditated, Eris has reached her full size.

02:57 am - 23.02.2022

Eris, the hatchling that embodies part of Tekesis, lands behind me with a thunderous thud.

02:56 am - 23.02.2022

We must meditate here for an hour, those of us with dragons will be reunited with them upon completing our task. We must focus on our reason for fighting, for being here. As always my reason has and will always be making the world safer for my sister and those who can not fight for themselves. I will fix this world, or at least try my part in healing what has been broken.

02:46 am - 23.02.2022

We reach our place of power, here is where our dragons will be able to gain their power and grow.

02:40 am - 23.02.2022

We sweep the cavern to see if we missed anything. I find a large brass crab, I look it over and determine it to be an apparatus of the crab. One of our newer members, Greywall, gifts a wand of wonder to me finding little use of it for himself. I think I'll have some fun with such an odd magical piece.

02:26 am - 23.02.2022

Snow turns the Cerberus into a cat and Evac tosses the beast from a cliff into the abyss where the blood from the hanging individuals were being drained into that odd device.

02:11 am - 23.02.2022

Two of our new party members have lost their souls and the Merelith is absorbed into the soul pool, only the Cerberus remains.

01:34 am - 23.02.2022

Timora has sent us her blessing, we all received a luck point to use within' 7 days.

01:33 am - 23.02.2022

We enter the tower, I don't know if we will survive this encounter without the aid of our gods, our dragons, one can only hope. and try...

12:00 am - 23.02.2022

+ 1 potion of Greater Restoration (vitality?) + 2 potion of Supreme Healing

11:49 pm - 22.02.2022

Merelith apparently has a device that can shoot fireballs, delightful for a bird like myself...

11:34 pm - 22.02.2022

We are to face a great enemy up ahead, I hope we are ready for it but I have my concerns.

11:11 pm - 22.02.2022

Tiamat (Tekesis) speaks to Ophelia

Tekesis seems to have taken a liking to me despite everything, they inform me that if they or my dragon were to die they would be absorbed into the other and mentioned Oblivion quite a few times. They said it would be something to research once we are where we are meant to be. It seems my choice in hatching Eris was wise after all, for now at least.

02:33 am - 16.02.2022

Ioune made calculations with Tekesis (Tiamat), they seem to have taken a liking to me despite everything. "That's going to be a problem for me, when we get to ascension. We're going to have to make a decision. There can only be one us she is not me and I am not her. Oblivion will come for us, the planet, killing one of us or merging us would restore the balance. When you all do get to the end, it will be you who determine the fate of the world. When you get to your spot seek answers about this Oblivion. The gods fear Oblivion, it was what Ethos was in the beginning and the end." "If your dragon or I were to die we would be absorbed into the other, we would not truly die." This will be important later, I believe this truly. Oblivion is a common word with her, it will be important as well.

02:30 am - 16.02.2022

Ethneria calls to us from down the hall. She'll open a path to our (elven) place of power where we'll have to face a guardian of Soth. We'll be able to reach Star City from there where we'll need to speak to Star. Others of us are already on their way to Necrocia. We need to find the Arkenstone before we travel through the portal. Arkenstone will be able to direct teleportation to a specific area. There Marilith is terrifying to mortals. It is our first trial. We will be fighting the Prime Ice Dragon and then battle with Orenar along with others we have fought with before. The world will pull itself back together over time. Then, if we survive we will get to choose to remain mortal or ascend to godhood, after fighting Tiamat of course... Marilith - Demon, known for 6 arms, serpentine lower body and the upper body of a woman. Capable of limitless teleportation, truesight, magic resistance, magic weapons, and make 7 strikes per turn. Resistance - cold, fire, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from magical and nonmagical attacks. Reacts every turn of combat. Can Parry attacks. It can use it's reaction to add 5 to it's AC if it can see the attacker. If it grabs you it's tail attack automatically hits. It can catch arrows. No vulnerabilities. Well, we're doomed...

02:17 am - 16.02.2022

"I command you a compelled duel, we will fight for our place among the gods or you turn your back and are forgotten forever." Those who wish for no place among the gods are free to live their lives out as they please. "She offers Mikah a place among the gods for him, or Anvar."

01:59 am - 16.02.2022

Tiamat? The dark version is awakened, the good is residing in my dragon partner Eris. She claims she will continue to aid us, but will continue her task to bring chaos to the world. It seems my decision to keep tabs on Tiamat didn't follow through as I had anticipated. Now there is two of them. Hopefully Eris is strong enough to counter her darker counterpart, now there are two forces of chaos in this world.

01:55 am - 16.02.2022

Seldonis is woken next, full of sass as expected. Next is Aphrodite (Silver) who comments Snow is reacting as she should, Snow is crying in a corner, poor dear. "I hate you" She states Snow's love is not strong enough. Halflings are now immune to feeling fear. "I don't hate you, I'm disappointed in you" Somehow that might just be worse.

01:51 am - 16.02.2022

We reach a new chamber, there are statues of Aphrodite, Artemis, and Ioune. There are more statues further along. Mikah awakens his god and with some convincing wakes Artemis (Shiver) who does not remember Snow, he blames her for not waking him and has taken the hunting prowess from Tabaxi race and has given it to Tortles. The Raven Queen is awakened next. She gives Mikah her blessing in the mark of a Raven upon his forehead. Ioune emerges as an old man with a turban, it unfurls as he steps out. He states " the other decisions weren't wrong, but they weren't right either, they were your decisions" Selfishness was calculated - I was selfish, but he is somewhat proud I did not get the chance to interject. My decision was not made of selfish desires but calculated thoughts, Tiamat was my dragon, it seemed unwise to have the previous goddess of chaos running amok unsupervised.

01:46 am - 16.02.2022

Snow tries to waterboard me in a magic fountain! How rude! Do I look like a duck?!

01:26 am - 16.02.2022

Paladine's got some sass.

01:25 am - 16.02.2022

Unbeknownst to me Mikah has rescued Paladine who's soul is now absorbed into a weapon. Silver is alive and fighting somewhere as is Shiver on another plane.

01:10 am - 16.02.2022

Whilst the others explore further into the caverns I continue cutting down body after body, I move them together so I may set them ablaze and release their essence from this dark tomb. I light the fire, using my magic to keep the smoke at bay so the smell of burnt corpses does not linger. I whisper soft prayers so their spirits may find peace.

01:02 am - 16.02.2022

Evac and Mikah are dealing with the ritual device while I cut bodies down.

12:36 am - 16.02.2022

Above the blood ritual there are spider like beings and several hundred other species hung and being drained of their blood, a minotaur, a half-orc, a kinder, a half-elf, one of the beings has a tattoo of Paladine. I recognize this body from Hero's Feast, it's Kyncaid. I'd like to cut them down, burn them so their bodies may rest.

12:28 am - 16.02.2022

Mikah has summoned me further into the cavern, he seems to wish for me to read something. I investigate an odd alter, "Blood Summoning Portal" it says that I'm able to read with my Eldritch Sight. There is a symbol of two daggers with a chain connecting them. The symbol belongs to a Cult called the Silent Stalkers, they are heavily into sacrificial magic to open portals to Necrocia. Worshipers of Lord Soth.

12:11 am - 16.02.2022

Mikah is nowhere to be seen, he's probably gone ahead but it's difficult to tell.

12:03 am - 16.02.2022

In an attempt to gather more shards I miscalculated the crystal, it had a fault and exploded in a terrible manner. I'm now spending time plucking crystal fragments out of my feathers.

11:50 pm - 15.02.2022

We investigate an old cavern, what seems to have once been a mine. After a grueling battle we come out on top though one escapes. We are free to investigate the cavern. Lesser Fire Primordial Soul - Eris informs me that whomever trapped it was planning on using it for possibly a spell of some kind. If a Normal Dragon consumes a greater soul they become Primordial Dragon and loose themselves, Orenar has consumes many souls. Larger shards would be considered Etherium Crystals. - No negative effects known. Red Crystal - Restore spell slot of 3rd level spell slot or lower, 1-2 charges. - Roll percentile if 50 or higher gain 1 level of exhaustion. Green Crystals - Restore spell slot of 5th or lower. 1-2 Charges. Blue Crystal - Restores spell slot of 7th or lower. + 2 large red shards + 55 red etherium shards

11:36 pm - 15.02.2022

We fight the creatures but one escapes, this will certainly come back to bite us later.

02:59 am - 02.02.2022

Snow cracks some of the bones causing a loud echo, luckily the voices ahead do not seem to notice. Myka and I go ahead. We see creatures Myka calls Formians, cursed form of Giant Kin. They have two evil eyes, they can use these to do psychic damage and one can be deformed by these. He tells me these are agents of Soth collecting layline crystals. We know these are Ethereum Crystals. We do Not want to fight these things head on.

01:10 am - 02.02.2022

A boulder sits in the middle of the room, large bones of a previous explorer (possibly 15ft tall) lay crushed beneath it. There is evidence the stone fell from the ceiling, most likely some kind of booby trap. There are echos of voices further in.

12:58 am - 02.02.2022

We've reached the mine, entering there is a lantern lit with a charged red crystal. It brings back memories of our mission in the past that would lock one into place. Thankfully these seem to be just used for lighting.

12:51 am - 02.02.2022

She wants us to close the gate to the Earthen Plane. We need to get to Star City so we can make it to the planet. We can be sent to the Primal Earthen, Frost, or Fire dragon to fight against them.

12:18 am - 02.02.2022

We've learned that Snow's displacer kittens have grown and had kittens of their own tenfold, there is an entire race now that she's called Shadow Cats.

12:08 am - 02.02.2022

A statue is imbued with creation magic "made of pure potential, full of possibilities, life and death" I believe they are referring to the statue we rowed by when we left the mountain.

11:59 pm - 01.02.2022

She introduced herself as Ithneria, she claims to have immense power, she is the daughter of the creator. "There is a place of power located in the mine" She says there are creation crystals there but also unwelcomed visitors from the primal planet. Our dragons will gain power there, she says it's a good place to build statues, temples, to bring back the gods once again through belief. More belief in them means more power for us however, those of us that companioned with a dragon can not build statues.

11:57 pm - 01.02.2022

A stranger approaches the door and speaks with Myka, she has an odd lightning like scar on her face. Summons us all to join them. I fly off to track down the others and encourage them to return to the tavern.

11:40 pm - 01.02.2022

Myka left me out in the hall... rude

02:46 am - 26.01.2022

We've gone upstairs with the tavern owner, Myka wished to return the chest to her and give her the letter about her boat being returned. It seems dragons, dragon born, and other scaled races are rare if not unheard of entirely. Tabaxi seem to also be rare or unheard of. This may be said for all animal based races. The tavern owner wishes for Myka to return the chest to the mountain where it was found as it was given as tribute. Another stranger with shadows about them came in, said they were going to a mineshaft, spoke of circular power. They came from the last town over, Ellys. Something was seen flying around the mountain, screeching. (Red dragon who was hatched but abandoned) It flew over the town towards the "Old Gryphon's Lair" Northeast of here. Commotion occurs downstairs, seems Snow has gotten herself kicked out of the Tavern again, something about harassing the servers. Snow you poor, enthusiastic thing you.

02:35 am - 26.01.2022

We enter a tavern, despite my... disdain of touching people I'm doing my best to fit in and have perched on Myka's shoulder. Hopefully I won't have to keep this front up for long, I prefer being perched on something, not someONE. Snow... Snow, Snow, Snow... She bought ten pies in town and pawned them off in the tavern, the barkeep was obviously displeased on Snow unintentionally stealing business away and wound up getting kicked out.

02:06 am - 26.01.2022

We ride a boat to town and are greeted by a Goliath, the town is called Oleththyr. I'm debating on whether or not I should pretend to be a familiar or "pet" as it were.

01:48 am - 26.01.2022

We exit the caverns to see a new world, it's not as cold as I felt before when I flew up the wall in my awakened chamber. There is a town Myka seems to wish to visit, our dragons shouldn't be seem right away. We need to find them a lair, a place of power to help them regain their strength. They may be able to polymorph once we find such a place.

01:30 am - 26.01.2022

We enter a new chamber, there is light being reflected from somewhere illuminating the entire chamber, there are more altars and offerings here. The door has shut behind us. There is another bridge, below in the river are water elementals. I recall this place to be known as the elemental's Maw. Items on the alters will be noisy, it would probably be best to leave them here. Snow is getting tangles from a statue, a bit concerning. "Living Spell" is written on a bottle with swirling mist within it. "Name: Poot" is written below it. Myka seems to know what a Living Spell is. It's a sentient creature stuck in a bottle, Myka takes it with him. The water below stirs, we've over stayed our welcome.

01:13 am - 26.01.2022

Elemental like skeletons, seemingly autonomous, seem to be pulling stones from the wall and feeding it down a tube that sounds as if it connects to the chasm. We continue towards another bridge, more offering can be found here. There is a letter along with some other items including an adamantium dagger which Myka collects. We cross through the cavern avoiding a trench full of Black Puddings, Myka and I notice an oddly blue sheened stone that turns out to be an illusion. We remove a rod of some magical nature I will take a better look at once we are in a more secure location.

12:37 am - 26.01.2022

We exit the time chamber together, there are tributes near the door in the form of letters, gold and items. There are food items rotted with time, it seems this location hasn't been visited recently.

12:11 am - 26.01.2022

Dragon Oath

I have made an oath with Tiamat whom I've renamed Eris, we have exited the chamber together to face this new world as a team.

12:01 am - 26.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ophelia.