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Braska Svaha

Blood fascinated alchemist with a lovable and trusting heart.

Campaign & Party

Vefelier Vanguard

Velphira Braska Eleanor Aura Liber
Run by TheEldritchScribe
X of Rethiel 465

Braska's Adventchure Jurnal #3

by Braska Svaha


Braska's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Braska's Adventchure Jurnal #1
    28th of Yorunder, 465
  2. Braska's Adventchure Jurnal #2
    29th of Yorunder 465
  3. Braska's Adventchure Jurnal #3
    X of Rethiel 465

The major events and journals in Braska's history, from the beginning to today.

Braska's Adventchure Jurnal #3


08:43 am - 30.08.2021

Braska's Adventchure Jurnel #2


05:56 am - 08.08.2021

Braska's Adventchure Jurnal #1


05:08 am - 26.07.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Braska.

Played by

Other Characters by Toraigan