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The Kelpie Prince

Once an lonely changeling and now heir to the archfey known as The Kelpie King, he joined a band of heroes to save the world from the Archon of Sorrow

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Ealdor Breost

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The major events and journals in Durah's history, from the beginning to today.

Going through some life changes. Might get some Order in my living quarters

09:36 pm - 17.01.2020

Testing2 12 12

06:28 pm - 09.10.2019

Digital Tryout

06:27 pm - 09.10.2019

Rest in Peace Kelpie. Amazing hero and gallant warrior untill the end. sending thoughts and prayers to #EllieStrongmane. #Hero#Summerchild#JACKWHYDONTYOUDIE

10:59 pm - 11.09.2019

One might say that i got 99 problems, but daddy issues is definatly one #Feythings#goodVSevil#Hats&Crones

03:32 pm - 14.08.2019

I dont want to judge, but Drow are of the fell and thus evil #Feythings#(Un)Seelie

05:41 pm - 16.07.2019

Becoming The Single Son

Choosing to break his pact with his father, he and his friends where dragged into the Feywilds to confront the Kelpie King. Instead of facing him in battle, the party resorted to tell the tale of their story to the entire court, revealing their grand goal. This proved once and for all that Durah was the son most worthy of his fathers affection. The Kelpie King declared him his single son and absorbed the other sons back into its being, completing the transformation of Durah from a fragment to a true fey

01:22 pm - 10.07.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Durah.

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Other Characters by Hauk4Meandor