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Reymar Pragnant

Ex-Imperial fighter pilot & light cruiser captain.

Campaign & Party

Wed 5th May 2021 12:41

Found in a crumpled ball on the floor outside Mel's Quarters

by Reymar Pragnant

In the depths of space,
another dimension.
Energy shifting glowing lace,
Alone with my tension.
An affection blooms,
A woman tender yet wild.
Still uncertainty looms,
Another man’s child.
Wishing a thing true,
Does not make it so.
A relationship so new,
Where will her heart go?
A home and family I have never known,
These things replaced by brothers in arms.
Always at the orders of others I have flown,
Distance shielding the heart from love’s harms.
From here is a path I never have walked,
Matters of the heart being so foreign.
Yet the path before me will not be balked,
Wing of light sending my heart soaring.
If uncertainty my heart slays,
It will surely be my fault,
To ensure ahead brighter days,
For her I will not halt.
So I say hide not your face,
But walk proud and tall.
Tears fall not from a weak place,
But from catharsis for us all.
Handwritten in an unsteady hand.

Reymar's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Reymar's history, from the beginning to today.

Found in a crumpled ball on the floor outside Mel's Quarters

In the depths of space, another dimension. Energy shifting glowing lace, Alone with my tension. An affection blooms, A woman tender yet wild. Still uncertainty looms, Another man’s child. Wishing a thing true, Does not make it so. A relati...

12:41 am - 05.05.2021

My New Companions

Well, it has been several weeks since I fell into the company of these new companions. They seem competent in their various fields, if somewhat lacking in discipline and direction. They have been all over the place, but I suppose that is to be expected as...

06:54 pm - 02.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Reymar.