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Bailey Baker

Bailey was born into a very loving family of bakers. Unfortunately, Bailey was killed along with her family in a massacre. She came back as a ghost but lost her memory besides a few snips, but she still runs her family's bakery.

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Fri 24th Feb 2023 07:24

Catching up on all my lore :O

by Bailey Baker

Bailey has no real sense of time so they days are BS, based purely on significant events
The 1st
I'm in these walls, they trap me and suffocate me as I stand here and have nothing on my mind. Not in the figurative since but the literal one, I do not know anything. I am surprised I still know how to speak and write. My memory seems to be very convenient in that regard but otherwise nothing. This stone doesn't feel jagged or rough but instead it feels as though I'm floating in a pool of honey. I can't breathe. Why cant I breathe. I can't think or breathe and I have no heart beat. Is this death? Nothing has come about, no one, no sounds, nothing. I am dead, this is the afterlife. Or is this purgatory? Is my life yet too soon to be taken? Do I have to stay like this until I atone for whatever sins I made? I still have no senses, no sight, no hearing, no touch... no taste. Taste? I still know, that why is taste significant? Why is it that the SINGLE THING I remember is the taste of my mothers home cooked sweet rolls. My mother. I have a family. I *had* a family. There's no telling where they are, or if they are, now. Nothing, I have tried moving but there's no telling what *moving* is. Why am I subjected to this torture? I know I exist, I think therefore I am, I AM REAL. I am real. I have to be real because I can't not be real.
The 2nd
SOUNDS, I hear honest to god SOUNDS. Above me, I need to keep going up I need to find these sounds and their source. This is life. This is purpose.
The 3rd
Tobias. His name is Tobias. He began as my reason for living and he will stay that way. When I surfaced I met him and he is everything. He was... odd... he seemed feral, almost rabid. And then after I talked to him he just passed out. I couldn't do much as I cannot rightly interact with the physical world, at least not yet. I can feel again, so thats good. Not pain or anything but I can definitely feel. Also sight, how I missed SEEING. And the smells. Putrid. I'm not one to particularly be hateful or anything of that sort but... Jesus. I think I'm going to be right good friends with Tobias.
The 4th
I found out some of my past, which is interesting. Of course I already knew my love for baking but I came to find that my family owned an honest to gods bakery. Not sure of my actual name but the bakery is called "Bailey's Bakery", plastered right there on a sign, so I took it. Bailey Baker, I think I quite like the name. There was some weird strawberry jelly splattered on the walls and floors but I cleaned it up. I don't remember much of my time before Tobias anymore, mostly just a blur. I don't mind much, I'm enjoying my life right now.
The 5th
Toby and I are as close as ever before, I saw to showing him my family's little farm a bit ways away from the city. It's nice, I got all the plants and animals I could've wanted. I found my mothers old sweet roll's recipe, made Toby some. I quite like Toby, he's pretty much the earliest memory I have. He's real funny, he set up a chicken machine that produces so many eggs that I couldn't make enough pastries to use all of them. It does come at the expense of the occasional egging of me, still can't feel pain but it's still annoying.
The 6th
I was learning more and more about the city of Ephyrae, still cannot pronounce it right, and about the ruler named Elia. I have a terrible memory but I think she's said a couple things to me before. Anyways Toby showed me what he done to her place and I think it's hilarious. He egged her whole palace, top to bottom. I decided to throw some eggs myself just for fun. Also I found a book and quill, and I'm using it to store my memory, I've found it leaves me rather quickly and I cannot forget these things.
The 7th
Shit. SHIT. Elia got real mad at Toby. The egging of the palace was too much. Elia threatened both me and Toby. Toby was hiding or something and I got blamed at first and I tried to cover for Toby but got scared when she got mad and yelled at me. I don't think everything is going to be all right. After Elia left, I talked to Toby and I got so scared but he said nothing, quieter than a mouse. I got a plan and I had recently uncovered some bombs that I keep on myself now.
The 8th
Well fuck. He left. He's gone. He left me a note and one for Elia too. I found his dog in my bakery so I've been taking care of him. The note said something like "I'm sorry, blah blah blah, burn this note". It's still in my safe. I can't burn it why did this happen, my reason for living, gone. I told Elia about the note for her and since then I haven't been the same.
End pt. 1 of Bailey lore
Pt. 2
The 9th
The days without him didn't matter, they blurred and went by but I didn't care. He came back today, I can't believe it. I had made poisonous stew and was trying to get my hands on a poison potion to kill Elia but it didn't matter, he's back. I don't know what to say to him, this is amazing.
The 10th
Been a while, but something interesting happened with Tobes. I haven't thought about it in a while but I don't know where my family is. Toby keeps on talking about how he was being hunted. I think that my family might've been hunted just like Tobes was being hunted. It makes sense, I mean who else would want to hunt my family. The government must've had a reason to... murder my entire family. God I hate the government. I will never forgive them for this.

The major events and journals in Bailey's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Bailey.

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