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Delilah Washington


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Sun 10th May 2020 10:32


by Delilah Washington

The Second Church of Hytoth follows an inter-cosmic religion known as Ortothanism, which believes in the Universal Guardian Deity known as Rakmou-leusan. They seek to assist this deity in defeating extrauniversal threats, which they dub Voruteut. They believe that the Universe we currently live in is consequent of the destruction of a previous Universe by the Voruteut. Hytothians have shown to be extremely peaceful when not engaged. They usually are quite proficient in Occult Practices and have been able to communicate with Extradimensional beings using their Occult Practices. These actions can sometimes result in fighting with groups such as the SCP Foundation or Global Occult Coalition, but they are not necessarily considered enemies of these groups. Caution, however, is advised in dealing with this group, as its members possess the ability to use Thaumaturgy, Theurgy, and other Occult techniques of combat against their enemies. This group is led by an Extradimensional entity known as the Second Messenger. Its human leader is a man by the name of Koru Archpriest Farah Onteus.
Practices/Doctrines of the Second Church of Hytoth:
To preserve of Rakmou-leusan's life through bloodletting rituals.
To spread the Ortothan religion and morals based on the actions of Rakmou-leusan.
To research the Ortothan pantheon, the First Hytoth, and unknown aspects of the Ortothan mythos.
To kill any and all Voruteut.
Initiation Bonus: Occult Practices.
As a newly inducted member of the Second Church of Hytoth, you have been taught many Occult Practices which you can recall easily. In addition, you now have the ability to learn/practice Thaumaturgy and Theurgy. If you don't have proficiency in Religion, add proficiency. In addition, you gain advantage rolls when trying to recall Occult Practices relating to the Second Church of Hytot
Other Potential Benefits:
Thaumaturgy Mastery.
You have, over years of studying with the Second Church of Hytoth, become a master of the art of arcane Thaumaturgy. You become a L1 Thaumaturgy and may gain access to 2 Thaumaturgist Cantrips as well as a Level 1 Thaumaturgist Spell. The DM has a list of these abilities.

Theurgy Master.
You have studied and mastered the arcane art of Theurgy. You become a L1 Spellcaster and gain 1 Theurgist Cantrip as well as a L1 Theurgist Spell. There is a list of these spells.

Call of the Rakmou-leusan.
You may call upon the Guardian of the Dimension, the Rakmou-leusan, to dispatch an Anomalous entity or an extradimension entity with ease. This can only be done with a special scroll crafted specially by Koru Archpriests.

The major events and journals in Delilah's history, from the beginning to today.


The Second Church of Hytoth follows an inter-cosmic religion known as Ortothanism, which believes in the Universal Guardian Deity known as Rakmou-leusan. They seek to assist this deity in defeating extrauniversal threats, which they dub Voruteut. They bel...

10:32 pm - 10.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Delilah.

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