Vin Evenwood

None Variant Human (Investigator)
Cleric - Twilight 7
66 / 66 HP

Campaign & Party

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Wed 19th Jul 2023 12:37

Vin's History

by Vin Evenwood

Begin writing youVin grew up in a small town north east of Neverwinter named Rothe Valley. His parents were shop keepers in his town. He always had a sweet tooth and loved the hard candy that his parents sold at the store.
Vin was afraid of the dark from a very young age and struggled to sleep at night as a result. His mother would leave a lit candle in his room to help and taught him to pray to Selune to help him feel better. This went on for several years. This fear caused him to have a difficult time connecting with other children.
Vin has an older sister who used to look out for him. As children they played "knights and wizards" and pretended to defeat evil all through the realm. Vin was always the knight and his sister, Jhessail (Jhess) was always the wizard.
When Vin was about 9, and still suffering from the crippling fear of the dark, his village began to experience strange disappearances at night. In many cases these people started acting strangely prior to disappearing.
One night he woke up after hearing noises in his house. It was dark in his room and he was immediately terrified. Normally he would have called out to his mother but for some reason he kept silent. He hid under his bed and began silently reciting the prayers to Selune his mother had taught him. The noise eventually came into his room and from his hiding spot he could see this old looking humanoid with gnarled features walk through his room. Suddenly he realized he could see in the dark. The old lady did not see him and moved into the other rooms in the house. He eventually heard her leave and got up to find his family. He found that his entire family was gone. Swallowing his fear he ran out of the house quietly and saw the old woman far ahead of him with his family quietly walking behind her. He found that he could see a great distance in the dark which made it easy to follow them while remaining hidden. He caught up to them in time to see them enter a cave a few miles from the village.
In the morning he returned to the village and got the leaders of the town together to explain what he saw. He lead members of the town guard to the cave. Not only was he able to see inside the dark cave, he was able to help others see as well. He took them into the cave and lead them to where the old woman was hiding. When they confronted her she attempted to charm them but the towns people proved to be too much for her all at once and they defeated her (Dusk Hag). They found many of the missing people still alive and were able to rescue them including Vin's family. The hag had been corrupting people's dreams and eventually would come to them in the night and get them to follow her to her cave in their sleep. She would then torment them over time and in some cases eat them.
After this, Vin and his sister decided they wanted to protect others by hunting down the evil in the world. Selune's power continued to grow in Vin and he began to be able to display other gifts of her power. He eventually decided he wanted to be a Paladin of Selune and left to go to the temple while his sister studied to be a wizard. He also wanted to be a member of the Order of the Gauntlet.
Vin was not quite strong enough or athletic enough to catch the eye of the knights of Selune. He was also painfully scared of speaking in front of people which made it even more difficult to be selected as a knights squire. After failing several times, he gave up and was ready to go home, convinced he would be nothing more than a shop keeper. Selune came to him again at night and he could feel additional powers manifest themselves. She told him that he had the ability to be one of her greatest heralds even though being a knight was not in his future. She had a purpose for him; protecting others, especially children, from the evils of the world. In particular she was going to grant him powers that would help him stop evil that attacked in the darkness. After that he was able to cast spells and display powers that none of the other faithful his age could produce. After this he realized that his place was out in the world protecting the innocent from the many evils that manifested themselves in the Sword Coast.
He found his sister (Jhess) had grown in power in the arcane arts while he was away. They decided to find a few other like minded people and head out to fight evil. They were going to live their dreams of Knights and Wizards in real life. They also hoped to join the Harpers who they felt had the similar goals - helping those in need.
Eventually they came across a village that was being terrorized by a being that seemed to be steeling their children (Oni but can be anything that helps the story). They found the beast and began to attack but it was far too powerful. The other members of their band started to run but were cut down by the monster. Vin was able to hit the beast with a guiding bolt and his sister followed up with a spell that severely wounded the monster. As it was trying to escape it used some sort of magic wand to cast a curse on Jhess which left her trembling in fear and weak. The monster escaped and Vin took Jhess back to his family home. The curse caused her to have vivid nightmares that made it difficult for her to sleep and she was always weak and tired as a result. They attempted to have the curse removed but the local priest was unable to make it work. The Healer told Vin that this was a very powerful curse and that it would require an amplified Remove Curse spell to remove it. One of the ways for this spell to be amplified was for the spell to be cast by someone who loved her. In addition, material components made from evil creatures throughout Faerun could help enhance the power of the spell as well especially if they were killed by the caster. Vin vowed to go out and become powerful enough to cast the spell and collect as many of the components as he could.
· Jhess is an Order of the Scribes wizard. She is able to continue her studies but is unable to adventure because she is always suffering from a level or two of exhaustion due to her difficulties sleeping. While she is able to function, she is always tired and gets sick more often due to her exhaustion. She has decided to stay with her parents while she attempts to recover
· Rothe Valley is the name of the community where Vin grew up
· Evenwood’s Bounty: General Store
· Mother’s Name: Lireene
• Lireene is a loving mother and devoted wife to Dverin. She enjoys their life in Rothe' Valley and is very involved in the local community. She is very proud of both of her children and loves to tell people about what Vin has been up to. She is the primary caregiver for Jhess due to her curse/illness and has tried many different 'cures'. She often helps at the store but has had to reduce her time there due to Jhess's illness.
· Father’s Name: Dverin
• Dverin is the shop keeper and owner of Evenwood's Bounty. Although generally a bit of an introvert, he loves the one on one social interactions he gets at the store. He is in the center of what is going on in the town but is careful to stay out of politics. He very much wanted Vin to take over the store and while he is impressed with some of what he has seen Vin can do, he still wishes he would stay home and take over the store.
· Vin's sister Jhess was clearly the smartest person in the family and many would say in all of Rothe' Valley. A few years after the attack on the town she went to study at Candle Keep for two years. Much like her father, she does not like to socialize in large crowds but enjoys the company of friends. She is lonely since her illness and has dug deep into her books to try to grow in power and find a cure for herself. She appreciates that Vin has gone off to help her but is embarrassed that he is risking himself for her.
· Vin's Time at temple
• After saving his family and village Vin continued to display additional powers granted by Selune. News of Vin's powers and visions of Selune got out, and he was offered to take up a pilgrimage to Blackford Crossing (near Luskan) where there was a temple to Selune that included a group that trained warriors who were gifted by Selune to become Knights of the Half Moon (crusaders who defend the House of Moon in Waterdeep).
• Within this group was Sister Marryn, a member of the sect of the Silver Ladies (an order of female healers who were protectors of women and lycanthropes). Sister Marryn is a werewolf (not all know this) who is dedicated to Selune and protecting those who cannot defend themselves.
• When Vin was unable to make it as a Knight of the Half Moon, Sister Marryn immediately saw his potential to become a powerful cleric of Selune. She had hoped to re-establish the Moon Knights, a group of Selune worshiping warrior priests and saw Vin as her perfect first recruit. Where this group had fought Shar in the past, Sister Marryn hoped to reestablish and rebrand them as kind saviors of the less fortunate who battled evil in the countryside of the Sword Coast.
r story here...

Vin's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Journal Entry’s title
    18 Jul 2023 11:56:22
  2. Vin's History
    19 Jul 2023 12:37:11

The major events and journals in Vin's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vin.

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