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Cleric of life Tenzin Lurong

Level 6/1 Human lawful Good Cleric/sorcerer
(Acolyte )
42 / 42 HP

slightly above average looking 16 year old human cleric. Looking to explore the world to help anybody and everybody he possibly can. Also hoping to find other with similar crests

Campaign & Party

Played by
Shay Broomy
Fri 7th Aug 2020 02:39


by Cleric of life Tenzin Lurong

The symbol on his chest is called the symbol of the empath. those born with that power are granted special powers but with a heavy burden.

The major events and journals in Tenzin's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 19: Journey to Darwin

12:31 am - 30.11.2023

Session 19: Journey to Darwin

12:31 am - 30.11.2023

Session 15: Through the Portal

03:09 pm - 17.09.2023


The symbol on his chest is called the symbol of the empath. those born with that power are granted special powers but with a heavy burden....

02:39 am - 07.08.2020

Followed my new friends into a dangerous battle. i did what i could do to help but at my current strength my friends still fell. fortunately i was able to spare their lives. i pray to morwen that she blesses us with her protection and the strength to survive.

11:44 pm - 24.07.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tenzin.

Played by
Shay Broomy