Leonard McKnight | World Anvil

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Leonard McKnight

Chaotic Neutral Human (Outlander)
Fighter (BattleMaster) 9
79 / 79 HP

Leonard McKnight is a stout and sturdy human, Standing 5'11 with a slightly muscular build. He has blazing green eyes and a smile that women find disarming. He does suffer from overconfidence and sometimes can be innappropriate at bad times.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of The City of Azkadar

Lucius Orx Leonard Juniper
Run by DisassembledGaming

The major events and journals in Leonard's history, from the beginning to today.

The Final Battle

01:59 am - 15.06.2022

Facing Down Fate

03:52 am - 01.06.2022

Facing Down Fate

11:54 pm - 31.05.2022

Facing Down Fate

12:03 am - 29.05.2022

Facing Down Fate

11:55 pm - 28.05.2022

Mistakes Were Made.

04:40 am - 16.05.2022

Mistakes Were Made.

12:00 am - 16.05.2022

The Fires of Grief.

04:03 am - 01.05.2022

Feelin Drunk. Why did I drink that much?

12:34 am - 01.05.2022

The Fires of Grief.

11:09 pm - 30.04.2022

To the Depths of Darkness

11:09 pm - 30.04.2022

To the Depths of Darkness

11:26 pm - 16.04.2022

The Beach Party Episode

08:59 pm - 15.04.2022

The Beach Party Episode

11:25 pm - 02.04.2022

Just Because They Could......

04:46 am - 20.03.2022

Just Because They Could......

11:09 pm - 19.03.2022

The Vermin Below

05:54 am - 06.03.2022

The Vermin Below

12:08 am - 06.03.2022

The Base Violence Necessary For Change.

04:59 am - 20.02.2022

The Base Violence Necessary For Change.

11:59 pm - 19.02.2022

Biochemistry 101

11:57 pm - 19.02.2022

Biochemistry 101

11:57 pm - 19.02.2022

Biochemistry 101

12:20 am - 06.02.2022

Something Wicked This Way Comes....

04:40 am - 23.01.2022

Something Wicked This Way Comes....

04:40 am - 23.01.2022

Something Wicked This Way Comes....

12:26 am - 23.01.2022

Welcome to the Playground

03:28 am - 09.01.2022

Welcome to the Playground

12:30 am - 09.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Leonard.