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Tylfaen Willowtree

Chaotic Good Wood Half-Elf (Feylost)
Barbarian 6
84 / 84 HP

This odd woman found her way out of the feywilds at twenty two and though she is now twenty four she still finds this realm to be new and confusing

1st Young Moon of Tarsahk

Interesting Company...

by Tylfaen Willowtree

I met some interesting ladies in the Bunches recently, The first is a woman named Fenrie, a Sun Elf I think she said, though the Wood elves don't seem to like her much, they told me to stay away from her but, I'm not sure why, she's been nice so far, she's very mysterious though. I really hope the Wood elves stop being so cold to her :( She says she hasn't done anything so I have to assume maybe, a family feud? I took the necklace the centuar offered up from her, it was just so pretty! I don't think Fenrie has noticed yet...
The other was a demon well, half demon...a Tiefling Thom called her, named Faylin. She seems very up-ity, and very quiet, she seems to think she's all that but, maybe that's a Druid thing? Who knows, She looked like a giant bat when I first saw her, she was yelling at the centaurs to go away, even went as far as calling them scoundrels, but they couldn't understand her. Cerou put her to sleep out of fear that she was going to fight them on miss Lydia's property. It was kind of funny honestly. (scribbled a picture of Faylin being poked by the centaur)
Cerou, he's a different breed of Wood Elf, smells almost human with the way he acts, he's like, the opposite of the other elves, very improper and he talks weird. He was the first one I met when I entered the Bunches though I quickly put together that he wasn't who I needed to go to for my elven ancestry, he's very negative about them :( Apparently he got the entire town sick with some cider that he made, everyone was puking for a week! He got chased out of town after that, only temporarily though...
Anyways, these are the weirdos I'm hanging around now, Lydia has tasked us with figuring out and getting rid of the threat that Brandish I guess brought back with him so we're going on an adventure! Just like Jasar used to do, I can't wait to make stories of my own and find trinkets like he did, he told me so many stories, and now I'll get to :)

The major events and journals in Tylfaen's history, from the beginning to today.

Message to Cerou: "Sleeping Beauty's awake! Deyez and I are in Yartar. He asked a mage to perform some procedure on the dragon to get the flame gland."

10:04 pm - 10.07.2022

Interesting Company...

I met some interesting ladies in the Bunches recently, The first is a woman named Fenrie, a Sun Elf I think she said, though the Wood elves don't seem to like her much, they told me to stay away from her but, I'm not sure why, she's been nice so far, she'...

02:05 am - 01.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tylfaen.