Jubrayl Vishki | World Anvil

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Jubrayl Vishki

the owner of fatman's feedbag. A lanky thug (NE male human rogue 7), one of the Feedbag’s regulars. Jubrayl is also the leader of the local gang of Sczarni, an extended network of Varisian thieves, highwaymen, con-artists, graverobbers, smugglers, and murderers. Nearly two dozen of the Varisians in Sandpoint are Sczarni as well, all cruel and self-serving men and women who take care to maintain respectable jobs as laborers, fishermen, and hunters, but who draw their true income taking part in various scams and stunts. Sheriff Hemlock suspects that Jubrayl is the local leader, and would like nothing more than to bring him in, but the Sczarni are experts at walking the line between legalities and taking the blame for their direct superiors. So while Sheriff Hemlock has sent many of Jubrayl’s boys to jail over the last several years, he’s never even come close to the ringleader himself, much to the continued amusement of Jubrayl.

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