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Laelar Dalhar d'Edonil

Level 3/2 Elf (Drow) Lawful Evil Rogue/Warlock
/ 24 HP

Exiled from her land, and the last of her family, Basura has found a new family to serve.

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The major events and journals in Laelar's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 4: The Summons of House Ballast

07:55 pm - 27.10.2019

Session 4: The Summons of House Ballast

07:52 pm - 20.10.2019

Session 3: The Parkov Prince

06:12 pm - 14.10.2019

Session 3: The Parkov Prince

08:46 pm - 13.10.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Laelar.

Austin Denney

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Other Characters by DKTuesday