Destrum Longsight | World Anvil

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Destrum Longsight

Level 9 Tabaxi True Neutral Rogue
(Far Wonderer)
/ 31 HP

Traveling Tabaxi Nomad he has seen many centuries and has witness the great moments of history, he has born witness to empires rising and falling and can recount many life experiences

12th of July of The 2020th Year of our lord


by Destrum Longsight

Thinking about Captain Grass

The major events and journals in Destrum's history, from the beginning to today.

Thinking about winning the Josh Fight

07:37 am - 24.04.2021

Thinking P3P4 memes

11:40 am - 22.04.2021

Thinking about playing chess

12:03 pm - 06.03.2021

Thinking about creating a spire

12:05 pm - 11.10.2020

Thinking about the Suez Crisis

08:51 am - 01.10.2020

Thinking about Canada

09:19 am - 21.09.2020

Thinking about werewolves

02:22 pm - 24.07.2020

Thinking about uno

01:43 pm - 03.07.2020

Thinking about the ninja turtles

03:13 pm - 29.06.2020

Thinking about the Clickity Clackity sound Math Rocks make

08:04 pm - 24.06.2020

Thinking about Grand Prince Lord Squire Knight Baron Hemerai Dickory

03:05 pm - 23.06.2020

Thinking about the fact I've spent my entire life thinking that the King George V class battleships were armed with a main battery of 16 inch guns when in reality they were armed with 14 inch guns

08:40 pm - 19.06.2020

Thinking about Pee Sauna

02:27 pm - 18.06.2020

Thinking about the German Invasion of Norway in 1940

07:38 pm - 16.06.2020

Thinking about Dogs

04:27 pm - 15.06.2020

Thinking about Markipiler

08:40 pm - 13.06.2020


Thinking about Captain Grass...

05:24 pm - 12.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Destrum.