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Wilco Pepperwish

Elderly Gnome Pepper farmer. Creator of the pepperbomb. Shop owner.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Aelorion: Group1

Run by DrewBlaze
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Mon 15th Jan 2024 05:26

A little about me...

by Wilco Pepperwish

Wilco is a pepper and onion farmer who is obsessed with the power of the pepper. All of his spells are infused with pepper. His acid splash is pure pepper oil that spews from the palm of his hand. His spells involving fire are flammable due to the deadly content of pepper and onion oils that seem to originate from his soul. His trademark bolero hat is rimmed with hanging red Wish Peppers. A Wishpepper is the hottest pepper known to man. Many have tried to eat them and some have succeeded. Successful Wishpepper eaters are left with a unique disability. Speaking just isn't the same, the tongue is paralyzed and it's like trying to speak without using your tongue.

The major events and journals in Wilco's history, from the beginning to today.

A little about me...

Begin writing your story here......

05:28 am - 15.01.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Wilco.

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