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Elarnya was raised in a library by a dragonborn and a group of gnomes. However, the day after her 8th foundday the library was burned down by a group of goblins and orcs, she was the only one to survive.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Elarnya's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 20:

08:49 pm - 19.03.2021

Session 20:

08:49 pm - 19.03.2021

Session 19: Big Bug Number Two

06:29 pm - 08.03.2021

Session 19: Big Bug Number Two

06:17 pm - 05.03.2021

Session 16(?): Phandalin got nuked.

08:52 pm - 22.01.2021

Session 16(?): Phandalin got nuked.

06:56 pm - 22.01.2021

Session IDK: Hat Gang is Back

08:54 pm - 15.01.2021

Session IDK: Hat Gang is Back

06:33 pm - 15.01.2021

Session IDK: Hat Gang is Back

06:30 pm - 15.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Elarnya.

Played by

Other Characters by KooKat_