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Vondral Ungert

Hill Dwarf ()
Cleric 7
Artificer 1
63 / 65 HP

Played by
Fri 22nd Apr 2022 05:22


by Vondral Ungert

Vondral Ungart
Appearance: Sort and stout dwarf. Brown hair with faint auburn highlights, usually worn in four braids – two small in front of her ears and two long, thick braids in back. In battle, all four are wrapped tightly under her armored cap. On festive occasions, more braids appear and all can be woven together in fantastical combinations. Very occasionally, a wire will be braided in with the hair so that the braid can be twisted or even go at right angles to the head.
Clothing: Very sturdy jacket and leggings, mostly in deep grays and browns that speak of rocks and earth. A scarf, speckled like a dark granite is worn around her neck as an adornment but it also makes a very serviceable hood in rainy weather. The scarf can be worn as a face covering in dust or snow storms or in the quarry. Cloak of indeterminate hue that provides a bit of camouflage.
Heavy, metal tipped work boots for the quarry and lighter, but still very strong boots for travel.
Walking stick. Travel pack. Light hammer, Chain mail shirt with a small patch of mithril rings over the heart area. Several books.
Background: Has lived her entire life in Peho. Father was a miner until he was injured in a cave-in. He and his wife then decided to open a small general store and although it doesn’t have the prestige of mining, they both have found it a much more comfortable life. Grazi enjoys travelling to the fairs to buy goods for the store and has discovered he has a flair for spotting bargains and has an eye for what his customers need and want. Jalina loves having a job that doesn’t require much physical labor. She has become the center for news and gossip in the village.
Unlike most of their clan, the Ungart family has always enjoyed the open air and being above ground. They also have a strong respect and love for learning and books that has been passed down in the family ever since Vondral’s great-great-grandfather was taught to read. This happened when an itinerant peddler was injured on his trek through the mountains and the Ungert family gave him shelter while he healed. In return, he taught the boy to read and left him a book. For years afterward, the peddler would stop by with small items for the family, a book for the boy, and tales of faraway places. The peddler’s tales have been passed down over the generations and Vondral was raised on them.
Vondral’s Journey: Vondral spent her childhood and young adult years working in the family store and helping raise her younger siblings. She especially loved traveling with her father when he went to nearby towns to purchase stock for the store and trade items from Peho. As she grew older, it was never discussed, but the whole family assumed she would take over the store and the family. On her 21st birthday she took a holiday to go up to a favorite spot in the mountain behind their house. Around the edge of her calm and love for her family, a restlessness and almost irritation was beginning to grow and she needed to examine it.
Yadda, yadda, needs to explore farther … Takes the mountain trails – maybe under the mountains that only the dwarves know, rather than the roads she took on the cart with her father. Not sure if she had a specific destination, but something was pulling her towards (insert city here). Maybe something to do with cleric bit, why visions, why sees snippets of future etc.
Have to write up something about visions/ precognition etc.

The major events and journals in Vondral's history, from the beginning to today.

Session LXXIII: Ice and Laughter

05:18 pm - 18.08.2024

Session LXXIII: Ice and Laughter

05:18 pm - 18.08.2024

Session LXXII: Into the Land of Ice and Snow ...

04:08 pm - 05.08.2024

Session LXXII: Into the Land of Ice and Snow ...

04:08 pm - 05.08.2024

Sessions LXX & LXXI: Into the White White Yonder

03:17 pm - 18.07.2024

Sessions LXX & LXXI: Into the White White Yonder

03:17 pm - 18.07.2024

Session LXIX: In the Lab

04:55 pm - 20.06.2024

Session LXIX: In the Lab

04:55 pm - 20.06.2024

Session : Rolling & Roleplaying Back to Nelly

02:01 pm - 04.06.2024

Session : Rolling & Roleplaying Back to Nelly

02:01 pm - 04.06.2024

LXVII: The Road Back?

08:36 pm - 23.05.2024

LXVII: The Road Back?

08:36 pm - 23.05.2024

LXVI: The Maze Behind the House

03:42 pm - 06.05.2024

LXVI: The Maze Behind the House

03:42 pm - 06.05.2024

Session LXIV and LXV: The House of Wine & Roses I & II

06:01 pm - 05.04.2024

Session LXIV and LXV: The House of Wine & Roses I & II

06:01 pm - 05.04.2024

Session LXIII: Unnecessary Trees

06:41 pm - 03.03.2024

Session LXIII: Unnecessary Trees

06:41 pm - 03.03.2024

Session LXII: Nelly What?

10:31 pm - 26.02.2024

Session LXII: Nelly What?

10:31 pm - 26.02.2024

LXI: Whoa, Nelly!

08:58 pm - 11.02.2024

LXI: Whoa, Nelly!

08:58 pm - 11.02.2024

LX: Khamarazgharsithkilifarin. Or whatever.

07:41 pm - 29.01.2024

LX: Khamarazgharsithkilifarin. Or whatever.

07:41 pm - 29.01.2024

LIX: Back at the Oak

03:41 pm - 17.01.2024

LIX: Back at the Oak

03:41 pm - 17.01.2024

LVIII: Now What?

05:55 pm - 02.01.2024

LVIII: Now What?

05:55 pm - 02.01.2024

Session LVII: Spiders, Spiders, Everywhere And Many of them to Eat

09:39 pm - 07.12.2023

Session LVII: Spiders, Spiders, Everywhere And Many of them to Eat

09:39 pm - 07.12.2023

LV: A Room Full of Nichnys

07:25 pm - 17.10.2023

LV: A Room Full of Nichnys

07:25 pm - 17.10.2023

LIV: Decisions and Dungeons

05:26 pm - 08.10.2023

LIV: Decisions and Dungeons

05:26 pm - 08.10.2023

LIII: Plant Dreams

07:41 pm - 19.09.2023

LIII: Plant Dreams

07:41 pm - 19.09.2023

LII: Two Paths & A Carnival

05:07 pm - 21.08.2023

LII: Two Paths & A Carnival

05:07 pm - 21.08.2023

Session LI: At the Oak of the World

04:11 pm - 03.08.2023

Session LI: At the Oak of the World

04:11 pm - 03.08.2023

Session L: The Fanny Rescue

03:59 pm - 12.07.2023

Session L: The Fanny Rescue

03:59 pm - 12.07.2023

Session XLIX: Into the Midst of the Mists, A Miss, and Back to the Edge of the Mist

05:44 pm - 30.06.2023

Session XLIX: Into the Midst of the Mists, A Miss, and Back to the Edge of the Mist

05:44 pm - 30.06.2023

Session XLVIII: Through A Fey Swamp

06:06 pm - 24.05.2023

Session XLVIII: Through A Fey Swamp

06:06 pm - 24.05.2023

Session XXXXVII: A Dash Through Town

01:58 am - 16.05.2023

Session XXXXVII: A Dash Through Town

01:58 am - 16.05.2023

Sessions XXXXV & XXXXVI: Out of the Fey and Back In

07:50 pm - 05.05.2023

Sessions XXXXV & XXXXVI: Out of the Fey and Back In

07:50 pm - 05.05.2023

Session XXXXIV: The Aftermath

07:58 pm - 21.03.2023

Session XXXXIV: The Aftermath

07:58 pm - 21.03.2023

Session XXXXIII: The Greenhouse

03:37 pm - 02.03.2023

Session XXXXIII: The Greenhouse

03:37 pm - 02.03.2023

Session XXXXII: Fumbling Through The Forest

10:13 pm - 14.02.2023

Session XXXXII: Fumbling Through The Forest

10:13 pm - 14.02.2023

Session XXXXI: A Fey Forest

03:14 pm - 19.01.2023

Session XXXXI: A Fey Forest

03:14 pm - 19.01.2023

Session XXXXI: A Fey Forest

03:14 pm - 19.01.2023

Session XXXX: To the Fey At Last?

06:46 pm - 09.01.2023

Session XXXX: To the Fey At Last?

06:46 pm - 09.01.2023

Session XXXIX: Back to Afi

05:39 pm - 12.12.2022

Session XXXIX: Back to Afi

05:39 pm - 12.12.2022

Session XXXVIII: Now What?

10:42 pm - 19.11.2022

Session XXXVIII: Now What?

10:42 pm - 19.11.2022

Session XXXVII: Into the Tent

08:30 pm - 07.11.2022

Session XXXVII: Into the Tent

08:30 pm - 07.11.2022

Session XXXVI: A Choice Out of Hamirawi

04:57 pm - 10.10.2022

Session XXXVI: A Choice Out of Hamirawi

04:57 pm - 10.10.2022

Session XXXV: Into Hamirawi

08:05 pm - 25.09.2022

Session XXXV: Into Hamirawi

08:05 pm - 25.09.2022

Session XXXIV: The Siege

06:48 pm - 08.09.2022

Session XXXIV: The Siege

06:48 pm - 08.09.2022

Session XXXIII: Xidru Screams

01:16 am - 10.08.2022

Session XXXIII: Xidru Screams

01:15 am - 10.08.2022

Conversations with Kulzay

02:41 am - 18.07.2022

Conversations with Kulzay

02:41 am - 18.07.2022

Session XXXI: Gigwhat?

04:22 am - 08.07.2022

Session XXXI: Gigwhat?

04:54 pm - 02.07.2022

Session XXX: THE BRIDGE!!!

03:16 pm - 27.06.2022

Session XXX: THE BRIDGE!!!

03:16 pm - 27.06.2022

Session XXIX: Yemisana, II {I think}

04:16 pm - 09.06.2022

Session XXIX: Yemisana, II {I think}

04:15 pm - 09.06.2022

Session XXVIII: Yemisana

03:15 pm - 13.05.2022

Session XXVIII: Yemisana

03:15 pm - 13.05.2022

Session XXVII: To the Spring

02:34 pm - 03.05.2022

Session XXVII: To the Spring

02:34 pm - 03.05.2022


Vondral Ungart Appearance: Sort and stout dwarf. Brown hair with faint auburn highlights, usually worn in four braids – two small in front of her ears and two long, thick braids in back. In battle, all four are wrapped tightly under her armored cap. ...

05:22 pm - 22.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vondral.

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