Veronica Vetra | World Anvil

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Veronica Vetra

"A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids mistakes."

Campaign & Party

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Sun 4th Jun 2023 07:32

Month of Death, Day 1

by Veronica Vetra

Ibrahim is dead…
Truthfully I have not the words to describe how this makes me feel. Who would do such a thing? Or did he do this to himself? I could not imagine a man such as he to leave this world in the middle of this crisis...
“Upon my Death, the EARTH shall tremble” – what does this mean? It is clearly not what Solomon said before he.. well...
Why did Ibrahim write this at all, but in his own blood? It is with no doubt in my mind that this is intentional.. Ibrahim is.. was.. such a man to do things with purpose and reason.. I have to find out why.
And what of the song I heard? Was it someone's voice? A voice of the past? Or perhaps… Something else entirely... If Sam heard it too, I must not be going insane.
Cahill can use MAGICK?! This is a surprising discovery… One I must remember.. Almost as surprising as finding the passageway on the Starlit Road right inside Ibrahims' warehouse. We must see this through… For Ibrahim.. For the people who need us.

The major events and journals in Veronica's history, from the beginning to today.

Session Three: The Occult of Quresh

08:08 pm - 16.07.2023

Session Three: The Occult of Quresh

04:18 pm - 16.07.2023

Sessione Two: The Secret Keeper's Key

07:26 pm - 02.07.2023

Sessione Two: The Secret Keeper's Key

04:08 pm - 02.07.2023

Session One: Red Sun at Mourning

07:03 pm - 04.06.2023

Session One: Red Sun at Mourning

07:03 pm - 04.06.2023

Session One: Red Sun at Mourning

07:03 pm - 04.06.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Veronica.

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