Grigori Gallagher | World Anvil

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Grigori Gallagher

Headstrong but a gentle soul. Grigori is a man looking to help others find their true selves and completely self actualize. He courts ambition but does not worship it on a holy alter, he simply hates the opposite.

Fri 22nd Jul 2022 07:37

Strixhaven Relationship Point Sheet and Who I know

by Grigori Gallagher

Aurora Luna Wynterstarr - Neutral Dhampir First Year (Witherbloom) [+/-]
Bhedum “Rampart” Sooviij - Lawful Neutral Loxodon First Year (Lorehold) [+/-]
Cadoras Damellawar - Chaotic Good Elf First Year (Quandrix) [+/-]
Drazhomir Yarnask - Neutral Good Minotaur Second Year (Quandrix) [+/-]
Grayson Wildemere - Neutral Human First Year (Silverquill) [+/-]
Greta Gorunn - Chaotic Good Dwarf First Year (Lorehold) [+/-]
Javenesh Stoutclaw - Neutral Good Owlin Second Year (Lorehold) [+/-]
Larine Arneza - Neutral Good Human First Year (Quandrix) [+/-]
Melwythorne - Neutral Good Dryad First Year (Witherbloom) [+/-]
Mina Lee - Lawful Good Human Second Year (Silverquill) [+/- 1] (Rival?)
Known: Yes
Nora Ann Wu - Neutral Good Human Second Year (Prismari) [+ 2/-] (Romance?)
Known: Yes
Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III - Neutral Human First Year (Prismari) [+/-]
Rosimyffenbip “Rosie” Wuzfeddlims - Chaotic Good Gnome First Year (Lorehold) [+/-]
Rubina Larkingdale - Lawful Neutral Human First Year (Silverquill) [+/-]
Shuvadri Glintmantle - Lawful Good Owlin First Year (Silverquill) [+/-]
Tilana Kapule - Neutral Good Human First Year (Quandrix) [+/-]
Urzmaktok Grojsh - Neutral Orc Second Year (Witherbloom) [+/-]
Roe "Crow" The Rogue [+1/-] (Training partner)
Known: Yes
Diana "Crane" Acheron [+1/-] (Roomate and fellow Silverquill student, total bro with a soft side if you get to know her)
Known: Yes

Grigori's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Grigori's history, from the beginning to today.

Strixhaven Relationship Point Sheet and Who I know

Aurora Luna Wynterstarr - Neutral Dhampir First Year (Witherbloom) Known: Bhedum “Rampart” Sooviij - Lawful Neutral Loxodon First Year (Lorehold) Known: Cadoras Damellawar - Chaotic Good Elf First Year (Quandrix) Known: Drazhomir Yarna...

08:17 pm - 07.07.2022

Srixhaven Student Skill Point Sheet

Studied Learning / Applied Learning: 1 Extracurriculars: 0 Jobs: 0 Popularity: 2...

08:13 pm - 07.07.2022

Strixhaven Schedule Journal

Classes: - "Scrawl to the Wall: Scrivening and Symbology", Type: Required Lecture Course Professor: Xyla Langning - "Taking Their Word For It: Fundamentals of Counterspelling" Type: Lecture / Application Professor: Liv Brandford - "Cast a Long...

07:50 pm - 07.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Grigori.

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