Child of Glimmer, Alshiva | World Anvil

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Child of Glimmer, Alshiva

❀⁕ She/Her   ❀⁕ Budding Artist, lover of baby animal pictures! I love making friends   ❀⁕ Be sure, never too assert any amount of numbers into your child. Lest they become a culmination of

The major events and journals in Alshiva's history, from the beginning to today.

I am sorry for my last post. Fi got ahold of my phone. I would never post something so vulgar

07:12 pm - 04.04.2022

Fucking hell, stupid glass. Putting it in places it should not be. Stupid Stupid. Y do we have 2 live here

05:18 pm - 04.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Alshiva.

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Other Characters by tasi_bee