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Light, maps, and magic; Oh my!

Campaign & Party

Trogg's Angels (patent pending..)

Celeste Sylridan
Run by bubbarush
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The major events and journals in Celeste's history, from the beginning to today.

Initial draft map of Barovia

12:51 am - 01.09.2020

------------------------- The Tools of Fate - To help you against Lord Strahd von Zarovich --------------------------------- This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight. Thief: What you seek lies at the crossroads of life and death, among the buried dead. ---------- This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope. Elementalist: Look for a wealthy woman. A staunch ally of the devil, she keeps the treasure under lock and key, with the bones of an ancient enemy. -------------- This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy. Traitor: The treasure is hidden in a small castle beneath a mountain, guarded by giants of Amber. ---------------------------- Any ally in the land of Barovia -------------------------------- This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness. Mists: A Vistani wanders this land alone, searching for her mentor. She does not stay in one place for long. Seek her out at Saint Markovia’s abbey, near the mists. ----------------------------------------- The Location of your foe ----------------------------------- Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him! Innocent: He dwells with the one whose blood sealed his doom, a brother of light snuffed out too soon.

03:19 pm - 17.08.2020

Young Celeste - you carry with you a light not seen in the lands for quite some time. Be careful to not let the mist of this land put your light out. Only Devil’s live here child, and I pray that your light doesn’t grab his attention. There is light such as yours in the west - but that candle flickers in a mad manner - ensure yours doesn’t do the same...

03:16 pm - 17.08.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Celeste.

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