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Cillian Doris Morgia

Cleric to Vanestra, the queen of the summer court, and Vassel to House Morgia of Soma. Cillian Doris Morgia Is a taller than average Drow with Fey attributes. Cillian believes in doing right by the common people, and strives to help them.

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Tue 12th Oct 2021 04:02

Nobody likes a sandy beach

by Cillian Doris Morgia

Castinel is an absolute shit hole.
We acquire a 2nd job to explore the hidden city. this new job is for an auction house. whatever we bring them we will keep 15% of it. Personally I think this is an idiotic move as castinelon coin is worthless outside of castinel.
As we set out we acquire mounts. these camels are built to traverse the desert so it should help. I have named it Arno. Like always i have formed a very strong emotional bond to this creature and will protect it with my life.
a day into the desert we encounter a sand storm. not a normal sandstorm mind you. but a sandstorm of dragons. dragons made of sand that numbered in the hundreds. using magic we were able to make a shelter that protected us throughout the entirety of its stay.
after that we begin to traverse some more. at some point i received a message from my beloved fiancé. in her castle a messenger from another lord has come with a message for me and refuses to relay the message to her. I am to return and collect this messenger as soon as possible or else she may have the messenger killed.
as we traverse for several more days we find what we think is the entry way to this forgotten city.
I hope the contents inside are worth the hassle of this trip.

The major events and journals in Cillian's history, from the beginning to today.

that awkward moment when your friend sends s messenger to your fiancé's house and the messenger refuses to deliver the message to her, so then your fiancé gets pissed and threatens to kill the messenger.

04:05 am - 12.10.2021

Nobody likes a sandy beach

Castinel is an absolute shit hole. We acquire a 2nd job to explore the hidden city. this new job is for an auction house. whatever we bring them we will keep 15% of it. Personally I think this is an idiotic move as castinelon coin is worthless outside ...

04:02 am - 12.10.2021

Just landed in Castinel #bummer.

03:09 am - 09.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Cillian.

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Other Characters by Patch_the_Tech