Vic Maker | World Anvil

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Vic Maker

Vic Maker, 34, Human from

Campaign & Party

Honor and Rank Decrease Overt Negligence

Regis Kris Vic
Run by chewbroccoli
Mon 30th Jan 2023 10:50

Captain's Log Entry #2

by Vic Maker

Found work with new friends.
R & K.
R is cool. Unsure about K.
On our way to Amondiage, important mission.

Vic's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Captain's Log Entry #1
    29 Jan 2023 04:20:00
  2. Captain's Log Entry #2
    30 Jan 2023 10:50:25

The major events and journals in Vic's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 4: The Price of Rebellion: Travellers Navigate Betrayal and Strife on the Way to Acadie

06:49 pm - 27.02.2023


05:01 pm - 27.02.2023

Session 4: The Price of Rebellion: Travellers Navigate Betrayal and Strife on the Way to Acadie

04:58 pm - 27.02.2023

Session 3: Les Misérables

04:49 pm - 25.02.2023

Session 3: Les Misérables

02:24 pm - 25.02.2023

Session 2: The Watermelon hotel.

06:39 pm - 14.02.2023


04:12 pm - 14.02.2023

Session 2: The Watermelon hotel.

04:11 pm - 14.02.2023

Captain's Log Entry #2

Found work with new friends. R & K. R is cool. Unsure about K. On our way to Imogidae, important mission. ...

09:36 pm - 29.01.2023

The Perfect Stranger.

07:00 pm - 29.01.2023


06:31 pm - 29.01.2023

The Perfect Stranger - Ship

05:01 pm - 29.01.2023


04:55 pm - 29.01.2023


04:54 pm - 29.01.2023

Captain's Log Entry #1

I'm done with the Navy. Life just ain't what it used to be. Time for a fresh start....

04:20 pm - 29.01.2023


04:14 pm - 29.01.2023


04:14 pm - 29.01.2023

The Perfect Stranger.

04:00 pm - 29.01.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vic.

Marco-Bruno Fallermo

Played by

Other Characters by Furtherthanfargoth