Thoralf Cinder | World Anvil

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Thoralf Cinder

Thoralf Cinder is a recluse human who was raised by Giants, but through after his family is taken captive by the Humans, he is always moving. Thoralfs wishes to get into forging weapons, but importantly, find his family.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Thoralf's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 7: The Fallen Meteorite

06:26 pm - 07.06.2024

Session 7: The Fallen Meteorite

11:53 pm - 02.06.2024

Session 6

08:57 pm - 21.05.2024

Session 6

08:57 pm - 21.05.2024

Session 5: Gloomhaven Thicket; Part Two

09:30 pm - 19.05.2024

Session 5: Gloomhaven Thicket; Part Two

11:52 pm - 15.05.2024

The session

04:28 pm - 15.04.2024

The session

04:28 pm - 15.04.2024

Session 2: Island of Beginnings

04:10 pm - 25.03.2024

Session 2: Island of Beginnings

04:10 pm - 25.03.2024

Session 1: Island of Beginnings; Journey of the Fateless Begins

04:43 pm - 18.03.2024

Session 1: Island of Beginnings; Journey of the Fateless Begins

04:43 pm - 18.03.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Thoralf.

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