Thea Spiritwalker

An Elven spirit shaman,searching for her past.


The major events and journals in Thea's history, from the beginning to today.

A hero and friend was lost today. We gained our freedom but it came at a steep price. He was brave, reckless, kind and strong. I shall miss him a great deal. Thank you for being my hero and friend Hurin, may you find peace with the spirits.

12:22 am - 30.05.2019

Completion of book 1 of Strange Aeons

After surviving an arduous time in the nightmare realm, Thea and her friends finally defeated the Tatter Man. The yellow fog has gone and the asylum and everyone in it has been returned to reality.

11:59 pm - 29.05.2019

Thea joins the ranks of Heroes!

Thea enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!

11:44 pm - 29.05.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Thea.