Testman | World Anvil

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Here to test stuff

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Eberron

Testman Cadrug Detlev Gwen Tim
Run by SilasCodes

The major events and journals in Testman's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 20

01:16 am - 08.06.2024

Session 20

10:38 pm - 07.06.2024

Session 19

01:53 am - 01.06.2024

Session 19

09:45 pm - 31.05.2024

Session 18

12:46 pm - 25.05.2024

Session 18

10:56 pm - 24.05.2024

Schedule 17

03:04 am - 18.05.2024

Schedule 17

10:34 pm - 17.05.2024

Session 16

12:42 pm - 15.05.2024

Session 16

10:53 pm - 10.05.2024

Session 15

02:54 pm - 08.05.2024

Session 15

11:52 pm - 03.05.2024

Session 13

01:15 am - 20.04.2024

Session 13

10:26 pm - 19.04.2024

Session 8

06:16 pm - 09.03.2024

Session 8

11:30 pm - 08.03.2024

Session 7

01:37 pm - 02.03.2024

Session 7

11:27 pm - 01.03.2024

Session 6

03:07 am - 24.02.2024

Session 6

11:10 pm - 23.02.2024

Session 5

05:02 pm - 17.02.2024

Session 5

11:28 pm - 16.02.2024

Session 3

03:57 pm - 27.01.2024

Session 3

12:46 am - 27.01.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Testman.