Eris Spetz | World Anvil

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Eris Spetz

Eris, an enigmatic figure with warm, welcoming brown eyes and a beguiling smile framed by serpentine dreadlocks, wears the attire of an adventuring gardener, concealing an array of sinister tools beneath her leather smock. Carrying a sack filled with clacking clay pots, home to disturbing specimens like abyssal worms, corrupted leeches, and unsettling spores, Eris exudes an aura of unsettling charm. Her personality oscillates between friendliness and calculated deceit, often fleeing from confrontation. Bonded to her are the eerie inhabitants of her jars and a shadowy allegiance to Demon Lord Qorgeth, the Devouring Worm. Her unmistakable flaw lies in her incessant arm scratching, intensifying when she weaves her web of lies. With a sinister agenda to spread decay and convert the unwitting to her cause, Eris embodies an enigma wrapped in darkness, a harbinger of impending doom.