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Arch Fey of Leap Year Delphine of the Beastlands

An eladrin druid who would much rather be left alone and taking care of plants and animals than dealing with humanoids. From a noble family with a curse, she was pulled back to the fae courts against her will.

Campaign & Party

Hand of the Sword Coast

Crescent Ralmevik Ander Fella/Sorry Fenris Kara Delphine
Run by s0me0neukn0w
Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Delphine's history, from the beginning to today.

being an archfey has it's pros and cons, but the best part for our leafy gal is getting to meet all the residents (even the smallest and most mundane) of her new realm

03:52 am - 01.10.2022

the handiest and dandiest totem animal, Pabu <3

02:19 am - 11.08.2022

our sweet and sometimes spicy summer tiger in her home, the Beastlands of Feywild (':

10:22 pm - 31.07.2022

Drum Roll Please! Now introducing (finally), the Arch Fey of Leap Year in all of her seasonal glory. Starting from the top left we have Spring, to the right being Summer. Bottom left is none other than Mab's Main Bitch (Winter), which fittingly leaves the rarest of them all for last on the right, Autumn!

12:40 am - 26.06.2022

you've just made an enemy you won't outlive

12:34 am - 26.06.2022

The Third

03:51 pm - 15.04.2022

The Third

12:29 am - 14.04.2022

"Wish us luck!" - in the middle of a literal wish factory.

02:07 am - 28.03.2022

Someone's only immortal until proven otherwise!

03:05 am - 21.03.2022

Yo yo yo, what's up, it's ya girl Delphine, Archfey of the Leap Year, and you've been invited to the biggest rager of every fourth year... for the low low price of an act of service (:<

03:27 am - 03.03.2022

A toast, to dead children!

03:10 am - 24.02.2022

The Race

09:18 pm - 12.11.2021

The Race

09:18 pm - 12.11.2021

Hither Pt II:

03:38 am - 05.11.2021

Hither Pt II:

11:54 pm - 03.11.2021

Hither Pt I:

09:47 pm - 03.11.2021

Hither Pt I:

09:47 pm - 03.11.2021

To Prismere

09:50 pm - 24.10.2021

To Prismere

07:45 pm - 24.10.2021

New Friends?

08:12 pm - 03.10.2021

New Friends?

08:12 pm - 03.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Delphine.

Played by

Other Characters by cmccagh