Arcus Jones | World Anvil

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Arcus Jones
the Old

zander plays a 42 years years old human named Arcus Jones

old mad mage of the woods

the forest
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Current age 20 years old

Uses of Prestidigitation

by Arcus Jones

After escaping the city guards I decided to lay in the forest for a bit When setting up camp for the night I had neglected to acquire enough tinder for my fire pit. This was due to the fact that all of my focus was on my newly acquired Spell Scroll I knicked off a night market vendor. After fully deciphering my new spell scroll, it sadly only stated how to cast the spell and its name, Prestidigitation. Curious I performed the motions to cast the spell hoping it would allow me to finally get my fire going. To my surprise as soon as I finished casting the spell a small flame sparked in my fire pit, setting the kindle and sticks ablaze. Full of excitement I stood up and faced away from my camp and cast the spell again. However, this time nothing happened. Confused, I looked over the scroll once more and discovered that I need to picture the outcome I desire in my mind while casting or nothing will happen. determined to find the limits of this spell I went back to camp.
After many days of experimenting, I have determined many uses of the spell called Prestidigitation. At the end of the 8th day of my research, I determined that with this spell I can perform mild weather control effects such as creating fog clouds, freezing small amounts of water, producing a small flame, or creating a gust of wind. later on the 15th day of my research, I discovered this magic also has the ability to create mild illusionary effects using the bending of light and manipulation of sound. I even found I can go unseen my shrowding myself in illusionary camouflage. However, it takes a lot of concentration to pull that off. It is much easier to make a bright light in my palm or make my voice boom loudly. Finally, on the 27th day of my research, I discovered during a fight with a bear that Prestidigitation can also make a protective barrier of force strong enough to block most strikes. however, it seems to only last for a few moments when at its strongest but it seems I can make a weeker or smaller barrier last a few minutes at most.

The major events and journals in Arcus's history, from the beginning to today.

I Would stop screaming if I were you! Don't want to swallow any bugs...

06:40 pm - 06.10.2021

Uses of Prestidigitation

When setting up camp for the night I had neglected to acquire enough tinder for my fire pit. This was due to the fact that all of my focus was on my newly acquired Spell Scroll I knicked off a night market vendor. After fully deciphering my new spell scro...

08:28 am - 06.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Arcus.

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Other Characters by ItsJustBob