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The French Duelist Etienne
The Boring(As Dubbed by Eishe)

Daeva | Spina
N/A | 3

+ Basic Info   **Player:Tiny** **Aliases:Etienne** **Clan:Daeva (Spina)** **Sect: Former Invictus, Unaligned now** **Status: None anymore has been in Topror for almost 200 years** **Merits/Flaws (obvious):**   + Descriptions

Campaign & Party


The major events and journals in Etienne's history, from the beginning to today.

Oh, ai-je oublié la douleur et la peur du soleil. La Terre me manquait mais il faudra un certain temps pour s'y habituer. Je me demande ce qui se passe ensuite dans cette vie. Où mon chemin me mènera-t-il ? Où avons-nous atterri ? English: Oh, did I forget the pain and the fear of the Sun. I missed Earth but this will take some time to get used to. I wonder what happens next in this life. Where will my path take me? Where did we land?

06:06 pm - 10.06.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Etienne.

Played by
Anthony Samora