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Lykos was an aspiring alchemist hailing from the Skola Vale. Curious and inquisitive he became known for concocting various tonics for both health and revelry. He got caught up, though, in the revelry and schemes of Xenagos and an attempt at glory under this banner met his ultimate end.   The concoction proved difficult to perfect and harder to control than anticipated. Working furiously at what seemed to be the revel to end all revels Lykos thought he finally cracked the code. Only to have the concoction blow up in his face ending his life.   Haunted not by that his experiments cost his life more that he never managed to finish his concoction he toils tirelessly and fruitlessly in the underworld to try and finish his greatest creation.

The Underworld
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The major events and journals in Lykos's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lykos.

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