Zora | World Anvil

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Campaign & Party

The Party (Name TBD)

Zora Strakh Torsell Nora Belladonna Geneviève
Run by Familiars-Table
Played by
Tue 5th Mar 2024 08:23

Character description

by Zora

Misc notes:
The main characters name is Zora and they're an androgynous, fern-based, leshy. Their conjoined spirit is an earth elemental wisp called Dusan
They're around 50 years old (post-vessel) and have lived most of their life in Eberron
They arrived in Eberron midway through the war (wars been over for 7 years or so. Maybe 23 years ago then?)
They've lived in Eberron long enough to pick up on the ways of Eberron and the creatures that inhabit it, but they still find
much unfamiliar
Zora, Dusan, and Emond are all names that have Slavic origin
Zora means "light/dawn"
Dusan means "soul/spirit"
Emond means "protector"
Neither Zora nor Dusan can remember anything before their attempt to inhabit their vessel
By the time the story starts Emond is approaching 80 years old and may or may not be searching for his wayward children

Zora's vessel was made by a widowed druid called Emond when he was around 30 years old.
By the time Zora was born, Emonds wife had been passed for 5 years.
In this time Emond went from recluse, to gardener, to botanical tinker in the eyes of the other villagers.
Through his tinkering and gardening, he eventually reached something resembling peace.
On the night he reached peace, two spirits - one of wind and one of earth - formed a connection with the kindly druid and with a foreign plant that the druid had cultivated.
However, the two spirits could not live in harmony, and when dawn rose, it was the wind spirit who had claimed the vessel as it's own.
In the struggle for supremacy, both spirits were damaged, and the earth spirit (Dusan) was inextricably tethered to Zora, able to vaguely sense through Zora's vessel but existing separately as a weakened Elemental Wisp.
Emond cared for the conjoined spirits with characteristic kindness and compassion as they recovered, and eventually introduced them to the villagers.
The villagers trusted the spirits implicitly after Emond vouched for them and the 3 lived happily ever after
Except Dusan still yearned for his own vessel while Zora wished for freedom and adventure, and so in reality their happiness ended relatively soon
For 10 years Zora and Dusan ventured around insert home world here, Zora assisting Dusan in his goal whilst occasionally returning home to visit their father.
During one particular adventure, Zora and Dusan were teleported into the midst of a war-torn Eberron. Through war and strife they were robbed of their naivety.
They trouped, traveled, loved, lost, trusted, and were betrayed.
Post-war they are now attempting to reclaim what they lost by finding a vessel for Dusan and returning to Emond the weight of his skin drags him back to the earth
(context: they think old peoples skin droops because it's pulling them into the ground).

How Zora's reanimation can be tied into the recent reanimation's that have been happening in Eberron
Where do Zora and Dusan disagree? What have been their most prominent past disagreements and what motivated them to resolve them?
Answer regarding the final question: Dusan was "motivated" by being tethered to Zora's vessel against his will, Zora was motivated by their love for Emond.
-> Pulled from Kethri to Thelanis
-> spent 17 years with Emond in Thelanis
-> during an adventure, gets pulled into Kethri and through Kethri gets pulled into Eberron
-> dies in transit to the Towering Woods during the war.
-> spends 20 years doing plant stuff and trying to get Dusan a body and recover Zora's own - 1994YK big bomb -> 1996YK treaty
-> directed to Keeper's Sanctum in Brightrock by a wandering tinker - 1197YK
-> in Brightrock for a year -> campaign starts in 1198YK
Kethri - a plane of change a mass of

The major events and journals in Zora's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 5—Hungering for Adventure

05:17 am - 25.06.2024

Session 5—Hungering for Adventure

05:17 am - 25.06.2024

Session 4—Only the Beginning

05:14 am - 25.06.2024

Session 4—Only the Beginning

05:14 am - 25.06.2024

Session 3—An Explosive Discovery

01:20 pm - 02.05.2024

Session 3—An Explosive Discovery

08:28 am - 30.04.2024

Session 2—A Miner Inconvenience

06:45 am - 30.04.2024

Session 2—A Miner Inconvenience

08:19 am - 23.04.2024

Session 1—In the Beningings

12:03 am - 19.04.2024

Session 1—In the Beningings

08:09 am - 16.04.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Zora.

Played by