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Tandien Whitefawn

The son of a soldier, Tandien has left his father and gone to to the Capital. He is now working for Prince Elderid Olthlian.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Achnelia

Pallo Tandien Casamir
Run by Jye42
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Fri 25th Feb 2022 01:27

The Orcish Assassin

by Tandien Whitefawn

5th Lava-Flow
I arrived in Konigburg three days ago and the city is crowded. Apparently, the king is gravely ill and when he dies they princes vote for a new king. A strange system. I thought it would be good to hide in a crowded city; it is, but everything is more expensive and the funds I took are dwindling. I say took rather than stole, as I was owed money for being a soldier.
13th Lava-Flow
I was about to leave the city when I encountered Prince Olethlian. His guard were clearing a path for him and I objected. Before I knew who he was I had given him my real name and he invited me to join his guard saying that he admired my steadfastness. If he recognised the Whitefawn name he didn't show any sign. However, I now have employment among his bodyguard, but it seems that I am not as popular with the others here.
19th Lava-Flow
Yesterday was momentous. I usually work the night shift, not a popular duty to judge by my fellow guards who were often drunk and some even fell asleep regularly on duty. Evidently I stood out and Prince Olethlian summoned me in the morning.
He told me that he wanted me to find a Dwarven Bishop, a woman named Goodred Cragforge who was very late for a meeting. Tracing her path back, I quickly found from the guard that she had been killed. Knifed in an alley. The watch led me to an alley off Smoke Street and a witness to the crime, a disgusting reptilian called Pallo. However, for a few coins worth of street food, it was willing to not only tell me what happened, but also show me the items it had pilfered from the bishop's corpse.
It said that she was killed with a dagger by a large orc, which was consistent with what I saw at the crime scene. For more food, Pallo said that he would track the orc, which he did. Pallo probably didn't know that I was also a competent tracker and was making sure I wasn't being played for a fool.
The tracks led to a workers inn called The Last Bell. None of the patrons present seemed to be an orc, so I asked the bartender who directed me upstairs. A door was open but no one present, however, I did find a note written in Orcish.
Heading back down to the bar, I bought a drink for a guy who could read the message. It was poorly written and suggested that Korg was behind the assassination. However, this made no sense and I quickly deduced that this was just a ruse.
I was about to say as much to Pallo but was forestalled for two reasons. The first was that Pallo was nowhere to be seen and then, one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen walked into this inn. I couldn't have been the only man that was distracted, but was fortunate that she came toward me and seemed interested in the note and the orcish assassin.
Regarding her I felt dizzy, stunned by both her beauty and my own sense of guilt. She was a Djinn woman, with light blue skin and flowing white hair, just as I had seen before although never so fair. I muttered something and tried to kiss her hand. Even her name, Nieema, sounded like a song, especially with her wondrous voice.
My own ridiculous attempts at maintaining a conversation were interrupted by a human man in dark armour. He was a bounty hunter named Casamir and, after I assured him that Prince Olethlian was likely to pay to have this orc assassin brought to justice, he agreed to track him down.
We went back up to the room where the orc had been. I hadn't left it for more than fifteen minutes but now everything was scattered around as if it had been quickly but thoroughly searched. Looking around I found Pallo digging through the remains of one of the cushions.
Casamir said, “what happened in here.”
“This just happened now,” I replied, “I think the orc went out the window.”
With little more than a nod, Casmir jumped out of the window to the ground. I was about to take the sensible course of action and walk down the stairs, when I saw Nieema, a huge smile brightening even her lovely face, leap out the window and flip athletically before reaching the ground.
After that, I had to jump as well. I managed well, remembering my 'training' of the 'tree ambush' move when I was a child at the villa. On moving down the lane behind the inn, I heard a strange noise behind me. Turning I saw Pallo holding onto a hideous creature that slithered or somehow slunk down the wall. This creature was black and globulous, with one enormous eye on top of it's many legged body. It was clearly a thing that worked in the workshop that crafted nightmares.
I trembled a little and moved quickly on. Lady Nieema though was fascinated by it, her innocence and grace obviously enough to overcome the natural revulsion almost anyone else would have toward this thing.
Running forward I found Casamir speaking with another merchant with a cart, this one selling hats and other items of clothing. He had seen the orc and fashioned a very good description. Casamir also knew the note found to be rouse, and told us, “he's not heading for the gates, so he's going to be going to ground in town.”
A kid in the park turned out to be an informant, but he seemed scared of Casamir. Why, well he wears grim armour, has a bunch of weapons and seems ready to use them. That Casamir doesn't realise this seems odd, but that seems to be the case.
The kid ran and, of course, Pallo charges after him and grabs him by the hair dragging him back. I pushed the thing off the kid and tried a gentler, kinder approach since my companions seemed incapable of civilised behaviour. That didn't include Lady Nieema, of course, and I can only guess what she thought of this.
After a few kind words and a silver coin, the kid told us that the orc was in the workhouse out near the Ozzy Gate.
We decided on a two pronged approach to the workhouse. Since I was good at speaking, I would go in with Nieema while Casamir and Pallo would sneak in through the back. The receptionist, an odious dwarf with terrible breath, told me the orc I was looking for was Roddge and was about to tell me where he was but appeared to think I didn't fit in and said things about my Elvish heritage.
We left, not wanting to make a scene but confident that the others might have better luck. We remained close by in case our help was needed.
It wasn't. Half an hour later, Casamir came out with the unfortunate Roddge tied. He was actually a well spoken orc, who strangely spoke very little Orcish. He confessed that he was hired on behalf of Prince Rolf Locht who was Prince Olethlian's main contender. This was revealed and while Prince Locht denied it and suffered no direct punishment for it, of course. However, it was likely to take support from him.
Prince Olethlian was pleased and rewarded me and the others with gold. He even promised to do what he could for Roddge who I felt a little sorry for. Not terribly sorry, he did ruthlessly murder a dwarf he'd never met just for money.
I asked Lady Nieema to stay in the city for a little while and I hope that she does.
26th Lava-Flow
The old king died last night and I have just been told Prince Olethlian will be the new king. Even if he doesn't, I am out of a job. Either he will go back to his province or will become king but will not need me as an extra bodyguard.
However, Casamir does have a few jobs lined up and agrees that an experienced fighting elf could be useful. Pallo is also sticking with him as he doesn't seem keen to go back to his alleyway as a beggar anymore.
28th Lava-Flow
Casamir has taken on a job for one Kreesa Sax. She represents the goldsmiths and jewellers of the city, several of whom have had things stolen and we are to track down the thieves. Even better, Lady Nieema seems to be staying. I don't know if my asking has anything to do with it or she has other motives, but it gladdens my heart that I will see her some more.

The major events and journals in Tandien's history, from the beginning to today.

The Orcish Assassin

5th Lava-Flow I arrived in Konigburg three days ago and the city is crowded. Apparently, the king is gravely ill and when he dies they princes vote for a new king. A strange system. I thought it would be good to hide in a crowded city; it is, but everyt...

01:27 pm - 25.02.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tandien.

Jye Lambert

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