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Helaina Hollow
The Cobra

A cunning, young warlock looking for escape from a dark patron. Once determined to discover the power of her druid ancestors, she now seeks a pact with a new patron to bring life back to the realm.

Campaign & Party

Tue 29th Sep 2020 09:21

67 Days Without an Incident

by Helaina Hollow

The nightmares have stopped for now, which I suppose is the one positive thing to come from this expedition. First there was the sand storm... then that cold and damp cave. I never really was fond of caves... they always made me feel trapped, confined. But I suppose a cold dark cave is better than the beating of a sandstorm. Well, I suppose that's true in theory, but what we faced in the cave gave the sandstorm a run for its coin... Needless to say we escaped, but not without consequence. Zella was almost consumed by a beast that dwelled within, and Levi was affected with some sort of condition that I believed would leave him feebleminded for at least a month. However, when I woke the next morning his intellect had returned with hardly any signs that he had suffered from any sort of condition at all... It still worries me, but I know he can take care of himself. At least, I hope he can...
Again, the nightmares have stopped. Which is good... for now. I spend most nights in a dreamless slumber, only to have to wake up and wait until I have to feign off sleep again.
He hasn't contacted me for months, not since I started traveling with Zella.
No requests. No tasks. No demands. Nothing.
I'm not sure what scares me more, the waiting... or what comes after ...
While I have been able to avoid contact with my patron, it seems that I can't avoid my past.

There's an elven ranger traveling with the expedition and she has so politely informed me that she plans on taking my life. After the expedition of course, very thoughtful of her. Apparently that bounty is still on my head... I would have thought that after four years it would have fizzled out, but I suppose Dakario still wants revenge for Myriam... Which I understand. And I do regret what I did to them. I do. I told my companions there was a bounty hunter after me, but I didn't tell them why. I am afraid of how they will react if they know what I've done. I've thought about opening up about my pact with my patron... more like indentured servitude... But, I'm not much for excuses, or sorry attempts to paint myself as a hero.
Part of me wonders if they knew that for every atrocity I committed my patron has threatened to do worse to the ones I love... But part of me also thinks they will say that I did this to myself. Which, I suppose I did. I may finally tell Levi, but I am afraid I will lose him if I do. I tried to tell Zella... She looked at me in the way that most people do when they learn of my past. First, with fear and then with disdain. I think I may have lost her... I suppose it was only a matter of time. I hope she prays for me... out of pity at least.

The major events and journals in Helaina's history, from the beginning to today.

67 Days Without an Incident

The nightmares have stopped for now, which I suppose is the one positive thing to come from this expedition. First there was the sand storm... then that cold and damp cave. I never really was fond of caves... they always made me feel trapped, confined. Bu...

09:21 pm - 29.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Helaina.