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Khemit Quasul

Level 2 Dragonborn (Brass) Chaotic Good Warlock
17 / 17 HP

A noble dragonborn warlock hailing from the kingdom of Relmaur on the island of Laerakond. Khemit is of Clan Belarrak but he opposes his clans appointed representatives to the kingdom's Crown Council.

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Khemit's history, from the beginning to today.

Everlund to Silverymoon

There was nothing of interest in the small town of Everlund. However I did make some friends who joined me as traveling companions as we search for adventure in the nearby city of Silverymoon. We ran into some bandits who gave us trouble but we disposed of them and saved an Elvish druid from their captivity.

09:21 pm - 02.07.2019

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Khemit.

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Other Characters by MadMaxwellP216