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Chien Dala

Level 11 High Elf/Sun Elf Clown Wizard 10 /Blood Hunter 1
/ 72 HP

A Sun Elf wizard who was a grad student at the Jadeheart Academy working on his Masters, Chien was whisked away to an unknown continent which he had known for all his studies as a desolate wasteland filled with horrible monsters. Working to get home someh

Campaign & Party

I sure hope I can edit this later because otherwise it'll be real awkward.

Drift Chien Astrid D'Thanael Khelgan
Run by scubtle
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The major events and journals in Chien's history, from the beginning to today.

10 October

03:49 am - 11.10.2021

10 October

11:09 pm - 10.10.2021

Sept 26: Onwards to the Garden City

03:15 am - 27.09.2021

Sept 26: Onwards to the Garden City

10:59 pm - 26.09.2021

12 September: What the fuck is UP with that guy.

02:38 am - 13.09.2021

12 September: What the fuck is UP with that guy.

02:38 am - 13.09.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Chien.

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