Julian King | World Anvil

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Julian King

Spider Monkey Divination Wizard with a feeling for necromancy and the divine

Campaign & Party

Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Julian's history, from the beginning to today.

Beneath Mammaliopolis

12:20 am - 26.06.2024

Session 5: Following Necromancy Clues

10:29 pm - 18.06.2024

Session 5: Following Necromancy Clues

12:51 am - 12.06.2024

Session 4: Grave Robbing Investigation (Continued)

09:05 pm - 30.05.2024

Session 4: Grave Robbing Investigation (Continued)

10:52 pm - 28.05.2024

Session 3: Encountering the Mages

09:08 pm - 15.05.2024

Session 3: Encountering the Mages

11:23 pm - 14.05.2024

The session

07:01 pm - 17.04.2024

The session

10:45 pm - 16.04.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Julian.

Played by

Other Characters by Is0datch