Blake Campbell

A rugged man who been beaten been beaten down by the world but keeps standing back up.

Played by
David Hofmann
Other characters
Sun 17th Sep 2023 01:43

The Journey

by Blake Campbell

Begin writing your story here...Blake Campbell was born in a rural part of Kansas. He grew up as an all-American boy. Helping with his parent’s farm and a star player on the school’s sports team. At his high school graduation dance everything started to fall apart.

“How could you?” His father yelled at Blake. Blake looked up from where he was laying on the ground, his eyes starting to swell from where his father hit him. “Dad, it wasn’t” His father cut him off. “Your principal called me and told me he caught you kissing a boy. Are you going to tell me he was lying?”
The thought of lying never crossed his mind. He looked down and that was as good as admitting to it for his dad. “You're Not my son. You don’t live here anymore. Don’t ever come back.” His father declared and then went into the house. A moment later the porch light turned off.
Blake sat there for a bit before rising and starting the long walk down the drive. He was nearly at the road when he heard someone behind him. His little brother, James, ran up carrying a bag. “Mom said to give you this. It has a few changes of clothes and what money she had saved up. She said to tell you she loved you.” James hugged him tight, “I have to get back before Dad notices. I love you.” Blake returned the hug and then James was running back off into the dark.

Years had passed. Blake had made his way to Payne Town where he found work being a janitor at a dojo. Like most physical activities Blake found he excelled at Martial arts. He eventually became an instructor and took part in the growing national interest in marshal art competitions.
Walking home Blake's attention was drawn to the sound of a fight. Looking into the nearby alleyway he found 2 guys beating up a third. A mugging by the looks of it. The man being beaten looked up and made eye contact with Blake and something clicked in Blake’s brain.
Blake managed to chase the muggers off and then end up picking up the bill at a nearby diner. It was the first of many meals he shared with Sunny.
Sunny was an actor with a lot of talent and even more love of life. He opened Blake's eyes to a different world where love should be free.

Sunny stirred awake in the hospital bed. His eyes opened and looked up at Blake. “Morning wonder boy.” Sunny said cheerfully, though his voice lacked the normal strength. It made Blake’s heart hurt, but he smiled back and took Sunny's hand, “Morning Sunshine. Going lay around here all day again?”
“I think I might, I..” Whatever else Sunny was going to say got cut off by a coughing fit. Blake got him a glass of water and helped him drink some.
When he could breathe again Sunny laid back and looked at Blake. “There is a good chance I’m not going to leave here.” Sunny said, and then put up his hand to stop Blake from objecting. “I’m not giving up, but if the worst happens, read this and take it to heart.” Sunny pulled an envelope out and handed it over to Blake.

A storm raged outside the hospital. Lighting flashes occasionally lighting up the room and causing the power to flicker. Sunny was writhing on bed, unable to breathe properly. The nurse and doctors were trying to help Sunny, but something clicked in Blake's brain and he knew they wouldn’t be able to. He knew that all they were doing was prolonging Sunny suffering at this point. He also knew he could end it if he was just brave enough to do so.
He stepped forward toward the foot of Sunny’s bed. “Please stay back sir.” One of the nurses said but he ignored her. Reach the foot of the bed Blake reached out a hand and laid a finger Sunny foot. Like a light switch it was over. Sunny took one last ragged breath and stopped moving. What made him Sunny was gone.

Dear Blake,
If you're reading this, then I’ve seen my last curtain call. Most of all I’m worried for you. Please find a way to move on in time. Guy, Girl, whatever it takes, but find love again. You have too much love to let it go to waste. I hope you continue your martial arts. You're beautiful when you do them. It’s one of the few times I think you're truly at peace.
— Love, Your Sunshine

Blake stood on the sidewalk with a few boxes, looking up at the apartment building he had shared with Sunny. He was evicted from it by Sunny's family. The police that came with the family had at least let me gather a few of his things before kicking him out. He could have fought it, but one officer had quietly let him know that their sergeant had been incentivized to get Blake out today.
What more he was told he wasn’t allowed at Sunny’s funeral. A cab pulled up on the street and Julie, Sunny's twin sister, got out. “Hi Blake, I’m sorry they did this to you. It’s not right.” Blake simply nodded.
She asked, “Do you have somewhere to go?” He shook his head as he turned to look at her. “No.” then paused, “There is a motel I know. They might have rooms.” Julie looked at the boxes and then turned to the cab. Pulling out a crisp bill and handing it to the driver, “Please take Blake where he needs to go.” The cabby nodded and got out to help with the boxes.

Walking into the bar, Blake looked around. He come to terms with the twist his life had taken, but this new need was still hard. He thought he was going insane at first, but time and some research had helped him realize the truth. He learned that when he ignored it, people suffered. Sometimes people that weren’t meant to.
Tonight, he knew there would be a fire and people here would die. He wanted to warn them, tell them to enjoy their last few hours. But that never went well.
He pulled a bit of money out of his pocket and ordered a drink. He couldn’t afford it. But he couldn’t just sit here and not order.
The bartender wasn’t his type, but cute. He looked to the stage. The Singer had a great set of pipes, and could have gone far. The back door opened and a woman came out. He watched her for a moment, her story starting to unfold. She was the owner and he saw a bit of her past and future. He looked away before he saw too much. He had enough regret and would have more before the end of the night.

The major events and journals in Blake's history, from the beginning to today.

The Journey

Begin writing your story here...Blake Campbell was born in a rural part of Kansas. He grew up as an all-American boy. Helping with his parent’s farm and a star player on the school’s sports team. At his high school graduation dance everything started ...

01:49 pm - 17.09.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Blake.

Played by
David Hofmann

Other Characters by elmic11111