Regis Fulben | World Anvil

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Regis Fulben

Regis Fulben, 38, Human from Mars

Campaign & Party

Honor and Rank Decrease Overt Negligence

Regis Kris Vic
Run by chewbroccoli
Played by
Other characters

The major events and journals in Regis's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 4: The Price of Rebellion: Travellers Navigate Betrayal and Strife on the Way to Acadie

06:49 pm - 27.02.2023

Session 4: The Price of Rebellion: Travellers Navigate Betrayal and Strife on the Way to Acadie

04:58 pm - 27.02.2023

Session 3: Les Misérables

04:49 pm - 25.02.2023

Session 3: Les Misérables

02:24 pm - 25.02.2023

Session 2: The Watermelon hotel.

06:39 pm - 14.02.2023

Session 2: The Watermelon hotel.

04:11 pm - 14.02.2023

The Perfect Stranger.

07:00 pm - 29.01.2023

The Perfect Stranger.

04:00 pm - 29.01.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Regis.

Played by

Other Characters by Snum