The major events and journals in Alice's history, from the beginning to today.
I just had my first son!
We didn't want a big ceremony, but our families do. So we eloped!
I proposed to Mitchell and he said yes!
2012AQEating for two!
I'm pregnant! :D
Mitchell and I just started dating! :D
2012AQI finished two of my books, Kitty paws and Kitty hair.
2012AQJust had a first kiss with my best friend >^///^<
2012AQMy best friend also just moved into my house. It's a big house so getting help with the bills is a great load of my shoulders.
2012AQJust finished my first book and self-published it. You can find it on my author platform in my profile.
2012AQI know this is a bit out of order but I just started my freelancing career. I hope I will be able to continue to pay for my dream house on a freelance budget.
2012AQUgh! Today I had to clean up after the welcome party I had yesterday, after officially moving into my new dream house.
2012AQMet a lot of nice people in the library, invited them over to my new beautiful house!
2012AQHitting the downtown of my new neighborhood!
2012AQMet one of my neighbors. Accidentally missed talking to the others. Mr. Kim is a nice guy.
2012AQMy dream house is amazing!
01:28 pm - 23.05.2019Moving into my dream house right now!
01:23 pm - 23.05.2019I'm moving into my new house soon!
01:17 pm - 23.05.2019Alice joins the ranks of Heroes!
Alice enters the scene of legendary heroes! Welcome to the family of the Eternals!
01:04 pm - 23.05.2019The list of amazing people following the adventures of Alice.