Kitsubishi Nipptu | World Anvil

Kitsubishi Nipptu
Oath Breaker, Lord Slayer, Rouroni Kitsu

None Tabaxi (Ronin)
Fighter 5
65 / 65 HP

Oathbreaker. Lord Slayer. Kitsubishi is branded a traitor by his people and has been both on the run and trying to restore his honor ever since. Rouroni Kitsu.

Played by
Shawn Kelley
Other characters

The major events and journals in Kitsubishi's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 17: The Quiet After~

11:05 pm - 24.09.2023

Session 17: The Quiet After~

06:07 pm - 24.09.2023

Session 16: The Ravished~

05:06 am - 04.09.2023

Session 16: The Ravished~

09:57 pm - 03.09.2023

Session 15.5: The Idle Winds Continue

01:08 am - 10.07.2023

Session 15.5: The Idle Winds Continue

08:19 pm - 09.07.2023

Session 15: The Idle Winds.

11:25 pm - 07.07.2023

Session 15: The Idle Winds.

08:44 pm - 07.07.2023

Session 14: The Chittering Sands.

03:25 am - 30.06.2023

Session 14: The Chittering Sands.

10:02 pm - 29.06.2023

Session 13: A Rebellious Meeting~

04:26 am - 06.06.2023

Session 13: A Rebellious Meeting~

10:10 pm - 05.06.2023

Session 12: The meeting with the Sultan

04:11 am - 11.04.2023

Session 12: The meeting with the Sultan

10:50 pm - 08.04.2023

Session 11: The first touch of Scord

02:31 am - 13.02.2023

Session 11: The first touch of Scord

09:49 pm - 12.02.2023

Session 10: The decent into Scorch

06:09 am - 04.02.2023

Session 10: The decent into Scorch

01:02 am - 04.02.2023

Session 9: The path to Scorch

05:24 am - 15.01.2023

Session 9: The path to Scorch

01:05 am - 15.01.2023

Session 8: The travels of Draught

12:53 am - 20.11.2022

Session 8: The travels of Draught

04:33 pm - 19.11.2022

Session 7: The Chase of the Despair.

08:41 pm - 05.11.2022

Session 7: The Chase of the Despair.

03:07 pm - 05.11.2022

Session 6: The Blue flames of despair.

07:03 pm - 02.10.2022

Session 6: The Blue flames of despair.

03:33 pm - 02.10.2022

Session 5: The Meeting

08:38 pm - 11.09.2022

Session 5: The Meeting

05:02 pm - 11.09.2022

Session 4: Legacy's first shipment.

09:22 pm - 27.08.2022

Session 4: Legacy's first shipment.

05:59 pm - 31.07.2022

Session 3: Assault on Suvelty Hills

09:18 pm - 16.07.2022

Session 3: Assault on Suvelty Hills

02:58 pm - 16.07.2022

Session 2: Nimrothel's Request

08:54 pm - 02.07.2022

Session 2: Nimrothel's Request

03:57 pm - 02.07.2022

Session 1: The Arrival to Nimrothel

02:53 am - 06.06.2022



Session 1: The Arrival to Nimrothel

03:57 pm - 05.06.2022

Session 0.5: The Hag's demise and the breeze of an open ocean

12:04 am - 31.05.2022

Session 0.5: The Hag's demise and the breeze of an open ocean

02:53 pm - 30.05.2022

Session 0: The Revolution of Aradania

04:34 am - 26.05.2022

We were headed towards... somewhere, when we were attacked by the swamp. It attacked the ship. I went to cut the vines and then... I couldn't stop looking at this handsome fellow who was in the water. Oh my... he was just so handsome. I couldn't look away....


So... drama on the ship. I tried to pay attention, but there was this girl who felt a need to rub my ears. Everyone kind of met. I learned the Satyr's name is Xevri and the man in the suit calls himself Estoc. The captain of the ship calls himself Archie and the girl is Rayla. They seemed nice. Rayla... likes my fur, I think.


We were following the sound of a whistle when a ship appeared. It looked like it was going to fire. We turned to run but almost ran headlong into some wolves. The ship turned to help us instead, and I climbed up. The ship's captain set the brush on fire! Everything was chaos! It was GLORIOUS!!!!


We burned the ship. Apparently, the dead can come back here. Scary.


I survived! The air ship is destroyed... I searched for survivors. I only found a satyr and her lost beloved. She built a pyre. I helped her burn the body. We were approached by a strange man in armor while during the service. He smells... terrible.


On the approach to Ardania, I saw a mob of people being chased on to some other airships before ours was shot down by cannon fire! I blacked out when we crashed....


I'm on an airship! The marvels of this world never cease to amaze me!


Session 0: The Revolution of Aradania

02:45 pm - 25.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Kitsubishi.

Played by
Shawn Kelley

Other Characters by TheMythTheLegend