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Alice Tuatha Dé

Human - Changling Varient (Sage)
Artficer 9
78 / 78 HP

Campaign & Party

Sun 12th Jun 2022 10:49

Alice's LORE

by Alice Tuatha Dé

The house of Tuatha Dé are some of the best Medical professionals in their land, They are well known and hired by many for their medical abilities, They’ve even been hired by the Emperor for medical purposes from time to time.
On the surface they are a highly esteemed noble family who prioritize others lives before their own.
However the dark truth lies fairly far from the surface. The Tuatha Dé Family is secretly the top assassins in the land, they live and breed killers, learning medical information simply to become more efficient in the art of killing. Though many assume that all assassins are bloodthirsty savages, the Tuatha Dé are more elegant than this, even when it comes to the art of killing they do it with the utmost respect, and always do it in the quickest and efficient way possible seeing as this is how the generations before the current have always done so.
Though Ace is trained in gun warfare she is more attuned with her Golemsithing, at the age of 12 she made her first Golem Abaddon, and has been working on upgrading him since
At the age of 18 Ace decided she had enough of her fathers abusive ways and planned a hostile takeover of the family.
Due to her rough and secluded upbringing Ace doesn’t trust anyone aside from her Mech Abaddon, she doesn’t fully understand how to trust another, and is often worried about being stabbed in the back by anyone she meets.
When she was 23 she finally had enough and confronted her father with Abaddon by her side. The two of them rushed into the family run hospital, found daddy dearest and showed him who was now in charge, Ace and Abaddon now are currently with Mithiope, Theadora, Baron, and Lonehunter. In hopes of protecting the girl whose life she was originally hired to take

The major events and journals in Alice's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 8 - Wings Over Blackened Skies

08:20 pm - 16.09.2022

Session 8 - Wings Over Blackened Skies

01:38 am - 27.06.2022

Alice's LORE

The house of Tuatha Dé are some of the best Medical professionals in their land, They are well known and hired by many for their medical abilities, They’ve even been hired by the Emperor for medical purposes from time to time. On the surface they ar...

10:49 pm - 12.06.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Alice.