The major events and journals in Calum's history, from the beginning to today.
Session Two: The Sequel!
12:08 am - 06.10.2021Session Two: The Sequel!
08:56 pm - 05.10.2021Session Two: Where the party learns what the fuck is going on
07:51 pm - 05.10.2021Session Two: Where the party learns what the fuck is going on
10:54 pm - 14.09.2021Session One: Against The Purple Wish
03:08 am - 27.08.2021Session One: Against The Purple Wish
11:19 pm - 26.08.2021Session Zero
11:56 pm - 24.07.2021ugh
09:44 pm - 24.07.2021Session Zero
09:36 pm - 24.07.2021The list of amazing people following the adventures of Calum.