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Odette "Dottie"

Sat 6th Feb 2021 02:26

Backstory questions

by Odette "Dottie"

1. Where was the Character Born?
Bengrex, she specifically grew up on the southeastern side of the city borderlining the forest.
2. Who are their parents?
Margaret and Clifford De Loughrey are both around level 10 life domain clerics who own their own medical practice/mortuary, which is attached to their home/it's kind of one cohesive building. They most likely had Odette when they were in their mid 30s. They only had one child and had always planned for her to take over the family business but realized that would be easier said than done as she got older. They are the kind of people who chose this profession because it was a respectable choice to make their parents happy but also is beneficial to the community they live in. They believe that this is one of the only jobs that would be good for their daughter essentially because it is stable and makes you look good.

3.What was your character doing before the adventuring life?
Dottie was specifically working as a nurse for her parents before adventuring, they would have seen it as an apprenticeship of sorts. Her childhood was spent mostly keeping herself busy as her parents were busy working and she was too young to work with them yet. She spent a lot of time reading, gardening and exploring the woods behind her house. There she met some fae who she would have spent some time with since they would have been her main friends. Dottie had a few children she would have played with but she would have enjoyed time to herself. The fae would have been much more interesting companions to her so she would have preferred them. In that time she developed strong opinions, an interesting fighting style and one hell of a poker face. All of this would be much to her parents dismay who were hoping to raise a perfect little daughter to help them at their clinic. When Odette was around 17-19 she tried adventuring with some “friends” that she soon found out she didn’t know as well as she hoped. After around 3-6 months she realized her travel mates were irresponsible and were making her life harder then she needed and returned home. Her parents gave her a long I told you so speech about how her decision was stupid and how she will never amount to anything more then the life her parents have laid out for her(ya know all the gaslighting). Since she returned home she is regularly reminded of “her place” and is expected to do as she’s told but is quietly waiting for the next opportunity to attempt independence again.
4. Why did your character leave their previous life?
Odette mainly just has wanderlust but is also desperate to prove her parents wrong about how they see her. She believes she can do something more with her life then just follow in parents footsteps. She also disagrees with a lot of her parents' opinions and approaches to certain things ie: the way they prepare bodies is by preserving them cause that's what the families want but Dottie is trying to convince them that's real bad for the environment and such. She mainly wants to just prove to her parents that they are wrong about what she can accomplish. The fae basically gave her self confidence so shes hesitant to believe her parents.
5. What did your character leave behind?
She is happily leaving behind her parents who 100% believe that their daughter will come home in a few months after having failed again. As a side note they are so stubborn about this opinion that if they were informed something happened to Dottie or she accomplished something really big they would genuinely not believe it. Dottie also left behind they fae she was friends with in the woods but as she got older she would have not spent as much time with them as when she was a child. The one thing she is really upset about leaving behind is her garden which is her pride and joy. She has put a huge amount of time and energy toward it and is very worried about what is going to happen to it as she doesn’t trust her parents to take care of it.
6. What does your character want? (motivations)
Mainly prove her parents wrong. She also just wants to do something meaningful with her life, she doesn’t have anything specific in mind in terms of like how big or how small but she’ll know it once she’s done it.

The major events and journals in Odette "Dottie"'s history, from the beginning to today.

Backstory questions

1. Where was the Character Born? Bengrex, she specifically grew up on the southeastern side of the city borderlining the forest. 2. Who are their parents? Margaret and Clifford De Loughrey are both around level 10 life domain clerics who own their ...

02:26 am - 06.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Odette "Dottie".

Played by

Other Characters by Jewelia13