Pinhead Larry | World Anvil

Pinhead Larry
Spirit Form

Chaotic Good Rock Gnome ()
Bard 14
81 / 81 HP

Other characters
Tue 19th Oct 2021 02:15


by Pinhead Larry

LIBRARIAN - Help with research and knowledge. They expedite other businesses. The time to do something will be expedited.
unknown race (maybe Aasimar?)
Orange skin tone- kissed by a campfire. She has glow as if her hair is on hire.
from a frontier town in crackspire peaks
studies ancient ruins and lost civilizations pertaining to the old world (the age of mist)
doesn't know what race it is but a warlock of "the gazing one"
Has a pet/thing that's a white gazer
Kalveem of the BlackTootheGrin Clan
Ork female - dark green skin, eyes are complete black, no irises. Tusks are black. short cut hair (pixie cut) scar on the side of her face.
Specializes in wild magic/wild magic fonts (arcane study) came from a place that's been corrupted by magic.
Maximillion Partwick
human male
noble lineage
specializes in nobles/noble lineage and curses
He is from Dracis. drawn to the crown and bronzewick family. making strides in the shipping district. trained as a scribe/historian of every country. One of the four doctrine cities described as the feywilds. His immediate family died and he is inflicted with lycanthropy, a strain that is abnormal. He is very well acknowledge of families in every continent and region (especially the south-west region) He is very attractive. He studies lycanthropy curses too.

Pinhead Larry's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Entry LIV
    05 Aug 2021 02:39:13
  2. Interviews
    19 Oct 2021 02:15:02

The major events and journals in Pinhead Larry's history, from the beginning to today.


LIBRARIAN - Help with research and knowledge. They expedite other businesses. The time to do something will be expedited. 1. Monas Female unknown race (maybe Aasimar?) Orange skin tone- kissed by a campfire. She has glow as if her hair is on hi...

02:15 am - 19.10.2021

Entry LIV

met with old hag helga that white hag of the stones aka aunti dunjcha WHO's true name is Ed'iggitl. A being of 2 in one homonculus. Created by the Fauthy of Tempos created him. He is a Licht. God aspects are tangible things that gives God's their co...

12:48 am - 17.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Pinhead Larry.

Played by
Ayinde McFende

Other Characters by LecyBerdude